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Beef Practice: Cow-Calf Production Medicine

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CODE: 008053

Price: 103,71
Peter J. Chenoweth


Beef Practice: Cow-Calf Production Medicine

Author: Peter J. Chenoweth
ISBN: 9780813804026
Pages: 328
Format: 18 X 26
Binding: Hardback
Pub. Year: 2005


Beef Practice: Cow-Calf Production Medicine is a text and a reference book for students in animal science and veterinary medicine, practitioners, and nutritionists who work with beef producers. Combining beef production and veterinary diagnosis and treatment, this title provides access to clear, concise, and comprehensive information to veterinarians and animal scientists working with beef producers. This title deals primarily with the cow-calf stocker system, and addresses issues of reproduction, nutrition, and health of cows and calves.


Table of Contents





Introduction (Peter J. Chenoweth and Gary Rupp).

Cow/Calf Production Principles (Peter J. Chenoweth).

Record and Epidemiology for Production Medicine (Michael W. Sanderson).

Herd Health Management (Peter J. Chenoweth).

Biosecurity for Beef Cow/Calf Production (Michael W. Sanderson and David R. Smith).

Beef Cowherd Nutrition and Management (T. T. Marstonj).

Behavior and Handling (Temple Grandin).

Replacement Heifers (R. L. Larson).

Breeding Bull Selection, Assessment, and Management (Peter J. Chenoweth).

Assisted Reproduction (Peter J. Chenoweth).

Calving and Calf Management in Beef Herds (Michael W. Sanderson).

Beef Cattle Economics and Finance (Grant Dewell and Thomas Kasari).

Beef Quality Assurance (D. Dee Griffin).

Cow/Calf Welfare Considerations (Peter J. Chenoweth).

Environmental Aspects of Livestock Production (Glenn Nader, Gary Veserat, Valerie Veserat, and Lee Fitzhugh).


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