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Palms Won't Grow Here and Other Myths

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CODE: 010100

Price: 37,80


Palms Won't Grow Here and Other Myths
Warm-Climate Plants for Cooler Areas

By David A. Francko

308 pp.
Book dimensions:
230 x 155 mm
78 color photos, 1 map, 31 b/w photos, 2 tables

Palms that grow in Canada? Bananas that overwinter in Michigan? How about southern crape myrtles that flower in Birmingham, England, instead of Birmingham, Alabama? Although the voice of authority — and nursery labels — might say, "You can't grow those plants here," author Dave Francko has a different message for gardeners: "Plants can't read the information on their tags." Laced with humorous anecdotes and based on years of first-hand observations and research, this book provides real-world information to help adventurous gardeners grow plants they never before dreamed possible. Nobody who reads this book will ever look at a plant label the same way again.


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