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Dwarf Campanulas And Associated Genera

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CODE: 010050

Price: 45,13


Dwarf Campanulas And Associated Genera

By Graham Nicholls

272 pp.
Book dimensions:
230 x 180 mm
140 color photos, 3 maps

Campanulas have long been a gardeners' favorite, their spectacular summer performance earning them a place in the herbaceous border year after year. Here their lesser-known relatives, the smaller dwarf campanulas, take center stage. Everyone who grows campanulas will enjoy this book, finding uses for the diminutive yet exuberant forms at the front of the border as well as in rock gardens, alpine houses, troughs, and containers. More than 200 Campanula species and hybrids are described, and specialists and collectors will delight in the descriptions of rare and little-documented plants and devour the information about the plants' wild habitats. Color photographs enhance the text, encouraging gardeners to experiment with dwarf campanulas in a wide range of garden situations and appreciate the diversity of this rewarding group of plants.


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