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The Cannabis Manifesto (Φαρμακευτική κάνναβη - έκδοση στα αγγλικά)

The Cannabis Manifesto (Φαρμακευτική κάνναβη - έκδοση στα αγγλικά)

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CODE: 537002

Price: 31,50
Steve DeAngelo


The Cannabis Manifesto
A New Paradigm for Wellness

Author: Steve DeAngelo
ISBN: 9781583949375
Pages: 230
Format: 16 X 23
Binding: Paperback
Pub. Year: 2015

An authoritative, persuasive, and riveting call for the legalization and responsible use of medical marijuana, The Cannabis Manifesto is a book whose time has come
The Cannabis Manifesto is both a call to action and a radical vision of humans' relationship with this healing but controversial plant. Steve DeAngelo, the founder of Harborside Health Center, the world's largest medical-cannabis dispensary, presents a compelling case for cannabis as a wellness catalyst that must be legalized. His view that there is no such thing as recreational cannabis use challenges readers to rethink everything they thought they knew about marijuana.
The Cannabis Manifesto answers essential questions about the plant, using extensive research to fuel a thoughtful discussion about cannabis science and law, as well as its biological, mental, and spiritual effects on human beings. With a cultural critic's eye peering through the lens of social justice, DeAngelo explains how cannabis prohibition has warped our most precious institutions—from the family, to the workplace, to the doctor’s office and the courtroom. In calling for a realistic national policy on a substance that has been used by half of all Americans, this essential primer will forever change the way the world thinks about cannabis, its benefits, and the laws governing its use.

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