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Almonds (Αμυγδαλιά - έκδοση στα αγγλικά)


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CODE: 004380

Price: 162,00
Rafel Socias Company


Botany, Production and Uses

Author: Rafel Socias Company
ISBN: 9781780643540
Pages: 512
Format: 17 X 24
Binding: Hardback
Pub. Year: 2017

This book provides a comprehensive overview of almond growing from a scientific and horticultural perspective, covering botany, production, processing and industrial uses. Almonds are an important crop; they are highly regarded for their flavour, nutritional properties and culinary uses, and almond oil is used widely in food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical production. They are easy to transport and have long storability, facilitating global dissemination. Demand is constantly increasing and global production has more than doubled in the last 20 years.

The popularity of almonds and the increase in demand has required new plantings and a response to ongoing changes in cultural and climatic conditions. Almonds: Botany, Production and Uses meets the need for up-to-date information on this crop and covers:
• botany and taxonomy
• cultivation, genetics and breeding
• propagation, orchard management and harvesting
• pests and diseases
• nutrition, marketing and utilization

Authored by an international team of experts and presented in full colour throughout, this book is an essential resource for academic researchers and extension workers, as well as growers, orchard managers and industry personnel.

Table of Contents

1: Taxonomy, Botany and Physiology
2: History of Cultivation
3: Production and Growing Regions
4: Almond in the Southern Hemisphere
5: Classical Genetics and Breeding
6: Molecular Breeding and Genomics
7: Late-blooming Cultivar Development
8: Pollen–Style (In)compatibility: Development of Autogamous Cultivars
9: Rootstock Development
10: Propagation Techniques
11: Orchard Management
12: Environmental Requirements
13: Almond Water Requirements
14: Almond Tree Nutrition
15: Almond Diseases
16: Almond Pests
17: Almond Harvesting
18: Chemical Composition of Almond Nuts
19: World Almond Market
20: Processing and Industrialization

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