A Farmer's Guide to Soybean Diseases (Οδηγός ασθενειών σόγιας - έκδοση στα αγγλικά)
A Farmer's Guide to Soybean Diseases
Author: Daren Mueller, Kiersten Wise, Adam Sisson, Damon Smith, Edward Sikora, Carl Bradley, Alison Robertson
ISBN: 9780890544556
Pages: 160
Format: 22 Χ 29
Binding: Paperback
Pub. Year: 2016
A key to achieving maximum economic returns is minimizing disease pressure, and the foundation of effective disease management is accurate diagnosis. This is not easy given the broad spectrum of diseases found in the field—and also given that symptoms can look very similar.
A Farmer’s Guide to Soybean Diseases provides the images, tools, and non-technical guidance to help ag professionals accurately diagnose soybean diseases and disorders found in the fields of the United States, Canada, and other countries where soybean is grown.
This no-nonsense, highly accessible book features diagnostic keys and other extensive cross-referencing tools to help users quickly find diseases and minimize identification errors. It features…
• An easy-to-follow introduction to soybean diseases and disorders
• A non-technical overview on diagnosing soybean diseases in a field setting
• Disease listings organized by part of the soybean plant affected
• Disease distribution maps to help narrow the search for suspect diseases
• Basic instructions for using diagnostic and scouting tools, like hand lenses
• A glossary defining the various diseases and diagnostic terms used in the book
A Farmer’s Guide to Soybean Diseases also provides general management recommendations, giving growers and crop specialists an excellent primer for discussions with extension or crop specialists in their specific state or province about localized treatments.
This book is a truly collaborative effort. Thirty-five experts from more than 20 universities, agencies, and companies packed their vast collective soybean disease knowledge into this highly accessible book written with the grower in mind.
PART ONE: Introduction
CHAPTER 1: How to Use This Book
CHAPTER 2: Understanding Soybean Diseases and Disorders
Impact of Diseases on Soybean
Infectious Diseases
What Is Plant Disease?
The Plant Disease Triangle
Major Groups of Plant Pathogens
The Disease Cycle
Breaking the Disease Cycle
Noninfectious Disorders
The Soybean Plant
Stages of Development
Effects of Stress at Key Developmental Stages
Scouting for Diseases of Soybean
PART TWO: Soybean Diseases and Disorders
CHAPTER 3: Diagnostic Key
Field Conditions and Crop Stage
Weather Conditions
Disease Timeline and Field Distribution
Symptoms and Signs
General Plant Symptoms and Signs
Symptoms and Signs on Specific Plant Tissues
CHAPTER 4: Foliar Diseases
Aerial Blight
Alfalfa Mosaic
Bacterial Blight
Bacterial Pustule
Bean Pod Mottle
Cercospora Leaf Blight and Purple Seed Stain
Downy Mildew
Frogeye Leaf Spot
Peanut Mottle
Phomopsis Seed Decay
Phyllosticta Leaf Spot
Powdery Mildew
Septoria Brown Spot
Soybean Dwarf
Soybean Mosaic
Soybean Rust
Soybean Vein Necrosis
Target Spot
Tobacco Ringspot
Tobacco Streak
CHAPTER 5: Root and Stem Diseases
Anthracnose Stem Blight
Brown Stem Rot
Charcoal Rot
Fusarium Root Rot and Wilt
Phymatotrichum Root Rot
Phytophthora Root and Stem Rot
Pod and Stem Blight
Pythium Seedling Blight and Root Rot
Red Crown Rot
Rhizoctonia Seedling Blight and Root Rot
Root-Knot Nematode
Southern Blight
Soybean Cyst Nematode
Stem Canker (Northern and Southern)
Sudden Death Syndrome
Thielaviopsis Root Rot
White Mold
Other Nematodes (Sting, Lesion, Reniform, and Lance)
CHAPTER 6: Noninfectious Disorders
Nutrient and Fertilizer Disorders
Chemical Injury
Environmental Conditions and Genetic Disorders
Insect and Mite Injury
CHAPTER 7: Diseases of Quarantine or Worldwide Importance
Bacterial Tan Spot
Red Leaf Blotch
CHAPTER 8: A Closer Look
Using a Hand Lens
Looking at Microscopic Images
Creating a Moist Chamber
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