Micro-Irrigation of Trees and Vines (Μικροάρδευση δέντρων και αμπέλου - έκδοση στα αγγλικά)
Micro-Irrigation of Trees and Vines
Author: Larry Schwankl
Pages: 138
Format: 11 Χ 18
Binding: Paperback
Pub. Year: 1996
An estimated 700,000 acres of permanent crops such as citrus, olives, and grapes are micro-irrigated every year in California.
This manual covers all types of microirrigation—microsprinkler, surface drip, and subsurface drip—as used by growers of tree and vine crops, with accurate information on emitters, pumps, valves, and flow meters; designing the best system; wetting patterns and pressure loss; and routine maintenance, clogging, and root intrusion.