A monograph of marasmioid and collybioid fungi in Europe
A monograph of marasmioid and collybioid fungi in Europe
Author: Vladimir Antonín, Machiel E. Noordeloos
ISBN: 9783930167722
Pages: 480
Format: 17 Χ 24
Binding: Hardback
Pub. Year: 2010
1. Introductory part
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Classification of the marasmioid and collybioid fungi: past and present
1.3 Outline of the adopted
1.4 Material and methods
1.5 Morphological characters
1.6 Glossary
1.7 Host-substrate index
1.8 Acknowledgment
2. Taxonomic part
2.1 Marasmiaceae
2.1.1 Marasmius
2.1.2 Crinipellis
2.1.3 Chaetocalathus
2.2 Omphalotaceae
2.2.1 Gymnopus
2.2.2 Marasmiellus
2.2.3 Rhodocollybia
2.2.4 Mycetinis
2.3 Physalacriaceae
2.3.1 Gloiocephala
2.3.2 Rhizomarasmius
2.4 Tricholomataceae
2.4.1 Collybia
2.4.2 Dendrocollybia
2.5 Insufficiently known and excluded species (CD)
3. References
4. Index