Milk and Dairy Product Technology
Milk and Dairy Product Technology
Author: Edgar Spreer
ISBN: 9780824700942
Pages: 483
Format: 18 Χ 26
Binding: Hardback
Pub. Year: 1998
Addressing both theoretical and practical issues in dairy technology, this work offers coverage of the basic knowledge and scientific advances in the production of milk and milk-based products. It examines energy supply and electricity refrigeration, water and waste-water treatment, cleaning and disinfection, hygiene, and occupational safety in dairies.
Table of contents
Milk as a raw material and food; milk reception; milk processing; milk, milk beverages and cream products; butter manufacture; cheese manufacture; acidified milk products; long-life milf products; whey and whey utilization; cleaning and disinfection in a dairy; water supply and waste-water treatment in a dairy; refrigeration in a dairy; energy supply in a dairy; electricity in a dairy; hygiene and occupational safety.