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Innovations in Food Packaging, 2nd Edition (Καινοτομίες στη συσκευασία τροφίμων - έκδοση στα αγγλικά)

Innovations in Food Packaging, 2nd Edition (Καινοτομίες στη συσκευασία τροφίμων - έκδοση στα αγγλικά)

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CODE: 022034

Price: 162,25
Jung H. Han


Innovations in Food Packaging, 2nd Edition

Author: Jung H. Han
ISBN: 9780123946010
Pages: 624
Format: 19 Χ 24
Binding: Hardback
Pub. Year: 2013

This new edition of Innovations in Food Packaging ensures that readers have the most current information on food packaging options, including active packaging, intelligent packaging, edible/biodegradable packaging, nanocomposites and other options for package design. Today's packaging not only contains and protects food, but where possible and appropriate, it can assist in inventory control, consumer education, increased market availability and shelf life, and even in ensuring the safety of the food product. As nanotechnology and other technologies have developed, new and important options for maximizing the role of packaging have emerged. This book specifically examines the whole range of modern packaging options. It covers edible packaging based on carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids, antioxidative and antimicrobial packaging, and chemistry issues of food and food packaging, such as plasticization and polymer morphology. Professionals involved in food safety and shelf life, as well as researchers and students of food science, will find great value in this complete and updated overview. New to this edition: Over 60% updated content - including nine completely new chapters - with the latest developments in technology, processes and materialsNow includes bioplastics, biopolymers, nanoparticles, and eco-design of packaging


New technologies in food packaging: overview
Gas and solute permeation: theory and modeling
Migration of food and packaging
Quality of packaged
Active food packaging
Introduction to active food packaging technologies
Antimicrobial packaging
Packaging containing natural antimicrobial agents
Oxygen scavenging packaging
Volatile plant extracts against pathogens on packaged foods
Commercial use of oxygen scavenging
Intelligent packaging and information
Intelligent packaging for food preservation
Packaging system containing ozone and chlorine dioxide
Aroma release and odor removing system
Modified atmosphere packaging
Introduction to modified atmosphere packaging
Prediction of gas composition and quality for fruits and vegetables in MAP system
Packaging strategies for fruits and vegetables
MAP and quality of fresh chilled meats
Centralized packaging of fresh meats
Edible films and coatings
Edible films and coatings: principles and advantages
Agripolymers for edible and biodegradable films
Scientific requirements for commercial use of edible coatings on foods
Edible coatings on agricultural produces
Edible films and coatings from plant-origin proteins
Edible films and coatings from animal-origin proteins
Emulsion and bi-layer edible films
Plasticizers in edible films and coatings
Edible films and coatings from starches
Edible films and coatings from non-starch polysaccharides
Lipid-based edible films and coatings

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