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Diseases of Carp and Other Cyprinid Fishes

Diseases of Carp and Other Cyprinid Fishes (Ασθένειες κυπρίνου - έκδοση στα αγγλικά)

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CODE: 008342

Price: 147,64
David Hoole, David Bucke, Peter Burgess, Ian Wellby


Diseases of Carp and Other Cyprinid Fishes

Author: David Hoole, David Bucke, Peter Burgess, Ian Wellby
ISBN: 9780852382523
Pages: 280
Format: 18 Χ 26
Binding: Hardback
Pub. Year: 2001

Cyprinids rank as one of the most commercially important groups of freshwater fishes and are exploited for many purposes; as a human food source, especially in Europe and Asia; as sport fish; and as ornamental fish for ponds and aquaria. Certain species are also cultured as bait fish and several of the small cyprinids such as the zebra fish have become internationally accepted laboratory models for toxicology testing and molecular research. A thorough understanding of cyprinid health and diseases is fundamental to the successful management and exploitation of these fishes for freshwater fisheries, pisciculture and ornamental productions.

This practical guide to disease diagnosis, prevention and control includes numerous colour plates and covers a comprehensive array of diseases - infectious and non-infectious - of cultivated and wild cyprinids.


1 Introduction.
1.1 Geographical distribution.
1.2 Economic importance of cyprinids.
2 Cyprinid Biology.
2.1 Water: the controlling factor.
2.2 Basic external anatomy.
2.3 Basic internal anatomy.
3 Disease Symptoms.
3.1 Behavioural symptoms of disease.
3.2 General external visual signs.
3.3 Internal signs of disease.
4 Infectious Diseases - Viruses, Bacteria and Fungi.
4.1 Viral pathogens and diseases.
4.2 Bacterial pathogens and diseases.
4.3 Fungal pathogens and diseases.
4.4 Zoonoses.
5 Infectious Diseases - Parasites.
5.1 Protozoan parasites and diseases.
5.2 Monogenean flukes.
5.3 Digenean flukes (trematodes).
5.4 Cestodes (the tapeworms).
5.5 Nematodes.
5.6 Acanthocephalans (spiny headed worms).
5.7 Mollusca (Glochidia).
5.8 Annelid worms (leeches).
5.9 Crustacea.
5.10 Zoonoses.
6 Noninfectious diseases.
6.1 Self-inflicted injuries.
6.2 Injuries caused by fish and other animals.
6.3 Injuries caused by human activities.
6.4 Developmental and physiological diseases.
6.5 Common disease problems.
6.6 Sterility.
6.7 Tumours.
6.8 Longevity and senile-related diseases.
7 Environmentally Induced Diseases.
7.1 Environmental diseases caused by natural events.
7.2 Environmental diseases caused by human activities.
7.3 Water temperature.
7.4 Dissolved gases.
7.5 pH.
7.6 Nitrogenous wastes.
7.7 Other pollutants.
7.8 Environmental stressors and diseases.
7.9 Measurement of some environmental water parameters.
8 Nutritionally Induced Diseases.
8.1 Natural foods.
8.2 Artificial foods.
8.3 Nutrition related diseases.
8.4 Starvation.
8.5 Nutritional toxicity disorders.
8.6 Overfeeding.
8.7 Diseases associated with live food organisms.
8.8 Diseases associated with feeding sick or dead fish.
9 Diseases of Eggs and Fry.
9.1 Eggs.
9.2 Fry.
9.3 Predation of eggs and fry.
10 Management of Fish Health.
10.1 Introduction to site management plans.
10.2 Trade organizations and other bodies.
11 Future Developments.
11.1 Rapid diagnostic methods.
11.2 Vaccine development.
11.3 Trends in chemotherapy.
11.4 Future disease risks.
12 Laboratory Procedures in Disease Diagnosis and Control.
12.1 Examination on site.
12.2 Submitting a sample to the laboratory.
12.3 Initial examination.
12.4 Euthanasia.
12.5 Detailed external examination.
12.6 Blood sampling.
12.7 Detailed internal examination.
12.8 Laboratory tests.
12.9 Diagnosis.
12.10 Post mortem equipment.
Fish Names Cited in Text.
Glossary of Terms.

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