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Breeding for Disease Resistance in Farm Animals

Breeding for Disease Resistance in Farm Animals (Εκτροφή για ανθεκτικότητα στις ασθένειες στα αγροτικά ζώα - έκδοση στα αγγλικά)

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CODE: 004349

Price: 184,25
S.C. Bishop, R.F.E. Axford, F.W. Nicholas, J.B. Owen


Breeding for Disease Resistance in Farm Animals

Author: S.C. Bishop, R.F.E. Axford, F.W. Nicholas, J.B. Owen
ISBN: 9781845935559
Pages: 368
Format: 17 Χ 24
Binding: Paperback
Pub. Year: 2010


Main Description

Addressing principles associated with breeding animals for enhanced health and resistance to specific diseases, this new edition provides an updated review of the field and is illustrated with examples covering many diseases of importance to livestock production across all major livestock species. Authored by experts in the field, the book covers techniques and approaches, viruses, TSEs, bacteria, parasites, vectors, and broader health issues seen in production systems, including metabolic diseases. The book will be an essential reference for professionals in the field, scientists and researchers, students, breeders, vets, agricultural advisors and policymakers.


An essential reference for professionals in the field, scientists and researchers, students, breeders, vets, agricultural advisors and policymakers.

Main Contents

Part I Principles and Methods
1. Introduction
2. The Immune System
3. Modelling Farm Animal Diseases

Part II Viruses and TSEs
4. Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies
5. Viral Diseases in Chickens
6. Bovine Viral Diseases - The Role of Host Genetics
7. Genetics of Mastitis in Dairy Ruminants
8. Viral Diseases in Pigs

Part III Bacteria
9. Breeding for Resistance to Viral Diseases in Salmonids
10. Salmonella in Chickens
11. Escherichia coli and Salmonella in pigs
12. Genetic aspects of resistance to ovine footrot

Part IV Parasites and Vectors
13. Breeding for Resistance to Nematode Infections
14. Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases in Cattle

Part V Metabolic and Production Diseases
15. Metabolic Diseases in Sheep and Cattle
16. Genetics of Metabolic Diseases in Poultry

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