The World Food Economy, 2nd Edition
The World Food Economy, 2nd Edition
by Douglas D. Southgate, Jr., Douglas H. Graham, Luther G. Tweeten
ISBN 978-0-470-59362-2
December 2010
Paperback, 464 pages
Population growth and food supply have long been of central concern to economists. The World Food Economy examines the lessons of the past while assessing 21st century and future challenges, including food shortages, global hunger, and economic inequality. With the demand for food and the population growing at an unprecedented rate, this text provides students with a timely, relevant, and unique overview of the world of agricultural production. New coverage in the Second Edition explains how productivity has risen around the globe throughout the last century through technological advances and how consumers and producers in every part of the world—rich and poor alike—feel the effects of expanded global commodity trade, food aid, and national legislation in response to globalisation.
Preface to the Second Edition.
1 Introduction.
1.1 Our Focus.
1.2 Chapter Outline.
Key Words and Terms.
Study Questions
2 The Demand Side: How Population Growth and Higher Incomes Affect Food Consumption.
New to this edition
• New chapter devoted to the impacts of higher energy costs, explaining the effect of biofuels on supply and pricing of agricultural outputs in the context of world food security, and what energy really costs in the U.S. and other countries.
• New coverage on mounting water scarcity, new agricultural subsidy issues, and World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations.
• Latest research on fertility, longevity, and their impact on agricultural supply and demand.
• Newly updated chapters on each of the following:
o Globalisation
o Environmental issues
o Developing countries
o Agricultural, regional trends
o Current challenges and directions
• Up to four new example boxes per chapter.
• New key terms and concepts introduced and highlighted for student comprehension and review.
• More technical economic material included in the appendices and footnotes, providing accessibility for students of all levels and further study for advanced students.