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Breeding Plantation Tree Crops: Temperate Species

Breeding Plantation Tree Crops: Temperate Species

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CODE: 019065

Price: 274,55
Shri Mohan Jain, P.M. Priyadarshan


Breeding Plantation Tree Crops: Temperate Species

Author: Shri Mohan Jain, P.M. Priyadarshan
ISBN: 9780387712024
Pages: 290
Format: 16 Χ 24
Binding: Hardback
Pub. Year: 2009

Tree species, spread across a wide range of genera, are indispensible to human life. Their breeding, poised to satisfy human needs, presents significant challenges. Tree crops face a variety of agronomic and horticultural problems in propagation, yield, appearance, quality, diseases and pest control, abiotic stresses and poor shelf-life. Additionally, shrinkage of cultivable land and the pressure of growing demand have resulted in growth of tree crops under marginal conditions that call for concerted efforts for their genetic improvement. Increased attention to the environment, sustainability and diet in recent years in turn magnifies the importance of study of these crops. With the use of modern molecular and biotechnological tools, the task of improving yield in tree crops is foremost in the acumen of future global agricultural research for sustainable production.

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