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Embryo Publications Αρχική Σελίδα | Σχετικά με εμάς | Επικοινωνία | Χάρτης Αναζήτησης | Language: English Ελληνικά

Waterlogging Signalling and Tolerance in Plants

Προβολή Μεγαλύτερης Εικόνας

ΚΩΔΙΚΟΣ (SKU): 019013

Τιμή: 218,70
Mancuso, Stefano; Shabala, Sergey


Waterlogging Signalling and Tolerance in Plants

Mancuso, Stefano; Shabala, Sergey (Eds.)
1st Edition., 2010, XX, 290 p. 40 illus., 20 in color., Hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-642-10304-9

Waterlogging is a major problem for plant cultivation in many regions of the world.
This book combines both academic and practical aspects of this topic. Based on recent progress in cell and molecular biology, various facets of waterlogging signalling and tolerance are addressed, starting from the molecular level, through membrane transport, cells and plant organs, up to the whole organism. Leading scientists contribute 13 chapters grouped into the following main parts: whole-plant regulation, intracellular signalling, membrane transporters in waterlogging tolerance and agronomical and environmental aspects.
This work offers a universal handbook for any researcher or agronomist interested in the impact of waterlogging in plants.


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