Twenty contributors present reports and research on the disease, Fusarium Wilt of Banana.
Table of Contents
Preface; History and Status of Fusarium Wilt of Banana; Fusarium Wilt of Banana: Some History and Current Status of the Disease; Importance of Fusarium Wilt in Different Banana-Growing; The Pathogen; Taxonomy of Fungi in the Genus Fusarium with Emphasis on Fusarium oxysporum; Genetic Exchange Within Sexual and Asexual Populations of the Genus Fusarium; Molecular Genetics of Plant Pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum; Using Karyotype Variability to Investigate the Origins and Relatedness of isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense; Population Biology of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense Biological Control of Diseases Caused by Fusarium oxysporum; The Host; Influence of Mineral Nutrition on Fusarium Wilt: A Proposed Mechanism Involving Cell Water Relations; Host Responses to the Pathogen; Banana Breeding and Fusarium Wilt; Breeding Bananas and Plantains for Resistance to Fusarium Wilt: The Track Record; Somaclonal Resistance in Cavendish Banana to Fusarium Wilt; Baseline Tissue and Cell Culture Studies for Use in Banana Improvement Schemes; Summary; Roundtable Sessions; Participants