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Pesticide Residues in Food and Drinking Water: Human Exposure and Risks

Pesticide Residues in Food and Drinking Water: Human Exposure and Risks (Υπολείμματα φυτοφαρμάκων στα τρόφιμα και το πόσιμο νερό - έκδοση στα αγγλικά)

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CODE: 008239

Price: 264,79
Denis Hamilton, Stephen Crossley


Pesticide Residues in Food and Drinking Water: Human Exposure and Risks

Author: Denis Hamilton, Stephen Crossley
ISBN: 9780471489917
Pages: 378
Format: 16 Χ 23
Binding: Hardback
Pub. Year: 2003

This book explores human exposure and consumer risk assessment in response to issues surrounding pesticide residues in food and drinking water.
All the three main areas of consumer risk assessment including human toxicology, pesticide residue chemistry and dietary consumption are brought together and discussed.
• Includes the broader picture - the environmental fate of pesticides
• Takes an international approach with contributors from the European Union, USA and Australia
• Highlights the increasing concerns over food safety and the risks to humans

Table of Contents

Series Preface.
1. Introduction (Denis Hamilton and Stephen Crossley).
2. Environmental Fate of Pesticides and the Consequences for Residues in Food and Drinking Water (Jack Holland and Phil Sinclair).
3. Pesticide Metabolism in Crops and Livestock (Michael W. Skidmore and ´ Arp´ad Ambrus).
4. Effects of Food Preparation and Processing on Pesticide Residues in Commodities of Plant Origin (Gabriele Timme and Birgitt Walz-Tylla).
5. Toxicological Assessment of Agricultural Pesticides (Mike Watson).
6. Diets and Dietary Modelling for Dietary Exposure Assessment (J. Robert Tomerlin and Barbara J. Petersen).
7. Chronic Intake (Les Davies, Michael O’Connor and Sheila Logan).
8. Acute Intake (Kim Z. Travis Denis Hamilton, Les Davies, Matthew O’Mullane and Utz Mueller).
9. Natural Toxicants as Pesticides (John A. Edgar).
10. International Standards: The International Harmonization of Pesticide Residue Standards for Food and Drinking Water (Wim H. Van Eck).
11. Explaining the Risks (Sir Colin Berry).

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