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Αναζήτηση Προϊόντος: Σύνθετη Αναζήτηση


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Ταξινόμηση ως πρός:    Προϊόν     Τιμή     Προκαθορισμένο    


The Pathology of Food and Pasture Legumes

ΚΩΔΙΚΟΣ (SKU): 004194

Τιμή: 207,68

The Pathology of Food and Pasture Legumes

Edited by D J Allen, formerly of the Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) Bean Program, Tanzania; J M Lennι, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), India

Pub Date: December 1997
768 pages


Thrips as Crop Pests

ΚΩΔΙΚΟΣ (SKU): 004200

Τιμή: 213,53

Thrips as Crop Pests

Edited by T Lewis, Institute of Arable Crops Research, Rothamsted, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, UK

Pub Date: November 1997
736 pages


Tropical Fruit Pests and Pollinators: Biology, Economic Importance, Natural Enemies and Control

ΚΩΔΙΚΟΣ (SKU): 004207

Τιμή: 184,25

Tropical Fruit Pests and Pollinators: Biology, Economic Importance, Natural Enemies and Control

Edited by J Pena, University of Florida, USA; J Sharp, formerly of USDA, Florida, USA; M Wysoki, Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel

Pub Date: July 2002
448 pages


Tylenchida: Parasites of Plants and Insects, 2nd Edition

ΚΩΔΙΚΟΣ (SKU): 004209

Τιμή: 272,11

Tylenchida: Parasites of Plants and Insects, 2nd Edition

by M R Siddiqi, formerly of CABI Bioscience, Egham, UK

Pub Date: December 2000
848 pages


Verticillium Wilts

ΚΩΔΙΚΟΣ (SKU): 004214

Τιμή: 207,68

Verticillium Wilts

by G F Pegg, former Professor, School of Plant Sciences, University of Reading, UK; B L Brady, formerly of the International Mycological Institute, UK

Pub Date: May 2002
432 pages


Western Corn Rootworm: Ecology and Management

ΚΩΔΙΚΟΣ (SKU): 004218

Τιμή: 149,10

Western Corn Rootworm: Ecology and Management

Edited by S Vidal, Georg-August University, Goettingen, Germany; U Kuhlmann, CABI Bioscience, Delιmont, Switzerland; C R Edwards, Purdue University, W Lafayette, Indiana, USA

Pub Date: December 2004
320 pages


Wildlife Damage Control Principles for the Management of Damage by Vertebrate Pests

ΚΩΔΙΚΟΣ (SKU): 004219

Τιμή: 78,81

Wildlife Damage Control Principles for the Management of Damage by Vertebrate Pests

by J Hone, Institute for Applied Ecology, University of Canberra, Australia

Pub Date: April 2007
180 pages


Aphelenchida, Longidoridae and Trichodoridae: Their Systematics and Bionomics

ΚΩΔΙΚΟΣ (SKU): 004225

Τιμή: 149,10

Aphelenchida, Longidoridae and Trichodoridae: Their Systematics and Bionomics

by D J Hunt, International Institute of Parasitology, UK

Pub Date: September 1993
368 pages


Aphids on the World's Trees: An Identification and Information Guide

ΚΩΔΙΚΟΣ (SKU): 004226

Τιμή: 272,11

Aphids on the World's Trees: An Identification and Information Guide

by R L Blackman, Department of Entomology, The Natural History Museum, London, UK; V F Eastop, Department of Entomology, The Natural History Museum, London, UK

Pub Date: June 1994
1024 pages


Application Technology for Crop Protection

ΚΩΔΙΚΟΣ (SKU): 004227

Τιμή: 149,10

Application Technology for Crop Protection

Edited by G A Matthews, International Pesticide Application Research Centre, Imperial College at Silwood Park, UK; E C Hislop, AFRC Institute of Arable Crops Research, Long Ashton Research Station, UK

Pub Date: August 1993
368 pages


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