Seabuckthorn (Hippophae L.): A Multipurpose Wonder Plant (Vol.1): Botany, Harvesting & Processing Technologies
Contents: Foreword. Preface. I. Distribution and taxonomy: 1. Geographical adaptation and distribution of seabuckthorn resources/V.Singh (India). 2. Taxonomy of seabuckthorn (Hippophae L.)/L. Yongshan, C. Xuelin and L. Hong (China). 3. Phylogency of seabuckthorn (Hippophae L.)/J. Hyvonen (Finland). 4. Application of molecular markers to study the systematics, phylogeny, biogeography, genetic diversity and population genetics of Hippophae L./I.V. Bartish and N. Jeppsson (Sweden). 5. Morphological variations in the fruits of seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) in different regions of CIS states/M.A. Korovina and V.A. Fefelov (Russia). 6. Correlationships of biological characteristics in seabuckthorn/A.F. Lebeda (Ukrain). II. Flowering and embryology: 7. Biology of flowering, pollination and fertilization in seabuckthorn/V.A. Fefelov and V.V. Selekhov (Russia). 8. Embryology of seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.)/O.P. Kamelina and O.B. Proskurina (Russia). III. Introduction and breeding: 9. Research on the introduction of seabuckthorn varieties in North Russia/N. Demidova (Russia). 10. Introduction of seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) in Belarus/I.M. Garanovich (Belarus). 11. Methods of seabuckthorn breeding/V.A. Fefelov and V.V. Selekhov (Russia). 12. Breeding of seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) in Novosibirsk region/A.M. Belykh (Russia). 13. Seabuckthorn culture in the botanical garden of the Moscow State University/N.A. Aksenova and V.S. Dolgacheva (Russia). 14. Evaluation of seabuckthorn strains in various places of Siberia/V.F. Severin and T.F. Kornienko (Russia). 15. Research on seabuckthorn (Hippophae Rhamnoides L.) in Germany/H.J. Albrecht (Germany). 16. Breeding of seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) in China/H. Quan (China). 17. Mutagenesis breeding of seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.)/G.F. Privalov, L.P. Solonenko and G.M. Skuridin (Russia). 18. Effects of ionizing radiation on seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.)/I.P. Eliseev and M.A. Korovina (Russia). IV. Genetics: Karyotypic analysis of seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.)/N.S. Shchapov (Russia). 20. Apomixis manifestation in seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.)/T.N. Kuznetsova, M.A. Prozorovskaya and Y.A. Ambarova (Russia). 21. Experimental polyploids of Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.)/N.S. Shchapov (Russia). 22. Parthenocarpy in seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.)/N.S. Shchapov (Russia). V. Physiology: 23. Environmental influences of introduction conditions on water physiology of seabuckthorn in relation to plant tolerance/M.A. Korovina (Russia). 24. Water physiology and drought tolerance of seabuckthorn/R.C. Jiang and X.Q. Liang (China). 25. Studies on some factors influencing frost tolerance of seabuckthorn/V.G. Igoshina and V.V. Selekhov (Russia). 26. Productivity of seabuckthorn in relation to climatic factors/V.G. Igoshina, E.E. Yufimycheva and I.S. Isaeva (Russia). 27. Nitrogen fixation in seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.)/R.K. Gupta and V. Singh (India). 28. Abscission of seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) fruit/V.I. Demenko (Russia). VI. Propagation: 29. Propagation of seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.)/V.Singh and R.K. Gupta (India). 30. Propagation of seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) from seeds/V.A. Fefelov and V.V. Selekhov (Russia). 31. Studies on micro-propagation in seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.)/R.K. Gupta and V. Singh (India). VII. Plantation and management: 32. Elements of commercial cultivation technology of seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) in Siberia Russia/S.N. Khabarov (Russia). 33. Plantation and management technologies of seabuckthorn/V.Singh (India). 34. Propagation, plantation and management of seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.)/V.S. Dolgacheva and N.A. Aksenova (Russia). 35. Application of herbicides in seabuckthorn nurseries and plantations/V.N. Levandovsky (Russia). VIII. Diseases, pests and control measures: 36. Aetiology of seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) drying/L.A. Ischenko and I.N. Chesnokova (Russia). 37. Pathological management of seabuckthorn woodlands/Y.S. Paul (India). 38. Insect-pests of seabuckthorn and their control measures/P.C. Sharma (India). 39. Ecological basis of protection of seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.)/R.M. Amsheev (Russia). IX. Environmental conservation: 40. Seabuckthorn for the control of soil erosion in mountainous lands/W. Qinxiao and Z. Hongyan (China). 41. Stabilization of slopes and watersheds by seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) in arid and semi-arid areas of China/B. Cifen and Z. Guangyao (China. 42. Seabuckthorn for the improvement of microclimate and soil properties of mountainous wastelands in arid and semi-arid China/G.Z. Sheng (China). X. Harvesting technologies: 43. Harvesting technologies of seabuckthorn fruits/R.K. Gupta and V.Singh (India). 44. Harvesting of Seabuckthorn fruits in Mongolia/Ch.Avdai and G. Chimed-Ochir (Mongolia). 45. Mechanical harvesting of seabuckthorn in Siberia/N.V. Mikhailova (Russia). XI. Processing technologies: 46. Technologies for processing the seabuckthorn fruit juice/W.B. Ying (China). 47. Processing of buckthorn berries for juice and oil extraction/Ch. Advai and G. Chimed-Ochir (Mongolia). 48. Industrial utilization of seabuckthorn in Russia/Yu.A. Koshelev, V.A. Mirenkov and L.D. Agheeva (Russia). 49. Health protection function and processing technology of seabuckthorn tea/C. Xing (China). 50. Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) fruit residue flour for production of quality food products/G.Ts. Tsybikova, D.Ts. Tsybikova and A.A. Dorzhiyeva (Russia). XII. Miscellaneous: 51. Seabuckthorn research and development in Canada/T.S.C. Li (Canada). 52. Research and development of seabuckthorn in Sweden/N. Jeppson and V. Trajkovski (Sweden). 53. Research on seabuckthorn in Ladakh/S.K. Dwivedi and B. Singh (India). 54. Leaf cake of seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.): a highly valuable additive to fodder/L.P. Solonenko, Yu. A. Koshelev and L.D. Ageeva (Russia). 55. Invasive characteristics of seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides): its control and management/R.M. Baker (U.K.).
"The book contains 55 excellent papers by experts from several countries like Russia, India, China, Germany, Canada and Central Asia. Efforts have been made to cover all aspects of this plant with latest information on the subject.
The book has been divided into 12 sections covering various aspects. The first section on distribution and taxonomy deals with taxonomic relationships of seabuckthorn. Next section relates to flowering and embryology. Third section deals with experiences of introduction of seabuckthorn in a new region, and on the breeding, including mutagenesis breeding. Fourth section on genetics deals with Karyotypic analysis, and the development of seedless plants. Next section deals with tolerance of seabuckthorn to drought as well as frost conditions, besides nitrogen fixation and abscission. The section on propagation describes methodologies of seabuckthorn nurseries. Next section discusses the cultivation technologies. The section on diseases, pests and control measures deals with fungal diseases and pest problems and their control methods. Next section deals with environmental conservation.
The section on harvesting technologies, deals with difficulties in fruit harvesting and technologies and machines developed for fruit harvesting. The section on processing technologies has papers on processing of fruit for juice and oil, and flour production and on tea developed from seabuckthorn leaves. Last section relates to overall research on seabuckthorn in various countries, and on the invasive characteristics of seabuckthorn and its control measures.
The book will prove very useful to the researchers, environmentalists, herbal medicine industry, policy-makers and all those interested in knowing more about this multipurpose wonder plant."