Allium Crop Science: Recent Advances
Researchers in horticulture, botany and crop science; seed companies, breeders and bulb growers
Main Description
The Alliums are some of the most ancient cultivated crops and include onions, garlic, leeks and other related plants. The primary aim of this book is to bring together, in a single volume, up-to-date knowledge obtained by a variety of scientific disciplines, from the basic molecular level, to application in the field, of the allium crops. It contains commissioned chapters on topics that have shown major advances particularly in the last ten years such as molecular biology, floriculture and agronomy. Contributors include leading world authorities from Europe, the USA, Japan and New Zealand.
• "All chapters of this book are written in a good literary style, easy to read and understand". "I do recommend it also as a reference publication for researchers, students and extension workers interested in one or more of the specific subject areas".
Vegetable Crops Research Bulletin, Vol 57, 2002
• "This book will be of value to all those interested in the biological aspects of alliums, as well as scientists, horticulturalists and botanists".
Agroforestry News, 2003
Main Contents
12 pages of colour plates
• Evolution, Domestication, and Taxonomy, R M Fritsch, Institut fόr Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung, Gatersleben, Germany and N Friesen, Botanischer Garten der Universitδt, Osnabruck, Germany
• Florogenesis, R Kamenetsky, The Volcani Center, Israel and H D Rabinowitch
• Genome Organization in Allium, M J Havey, Agricultural Research Service - USDA, USA
• Exploitation of Wild Relatives for the Breeding of Cultivated Allium species, C Kik, Wageningen University and Plant Research Center, The Netherlands.
• Diversity, Fertility and Seed Production of Garlic, T Etoh, Kagoshima University, Japan and P W Simon, University of Wisconsin, USA
• Genetic Transformation of Onions, C C Eady, New Zealand Institute for Crop & Food Research Limited, New Zealand
• Doubled Haploid Onions, B Bohanec, Centre for Plant Biotechnology and Breeding, Slovenia
• Molecular Markers in Allium, M Klaas, Germany and N Friesen
• Agronomy of Onions, A D Bosch Serra, Universitat de Lleida, Spain and L Currah
• Onion Pre- and Postharvest Considerations, I R Gubb, Fresh Produce Consultancy, Devon and H S MacTavish, ADAS, UK
• Bacterial Diseases of Onion, G L Mark and J W Lorbeer, Cornell University, R D Gitaitis, University of Georgia, USA
• Monitoring and Forecasting for Disease and Insect Attack in Onions and Allium Crops Within IPM Strategies, J W Lorbeer, T P Kuhar, and M P Hoffmann, Cornell University, USA
• Virus Diseases in Garlic and the Propagation of Virus-Free Plants, R Salomon, The Volcani Center, Israel
• Sulphur Compounds in Alliums in Relation to Flavour Quality, W M Randle, University of Georgia, USA and J E Lancaster, AgriFood Solutions Ltd., New Zealand
• Health and Alliums, M Keusgen, University of Bonn, Germany
• Onions in the Tropics: Cultivars and Country Reports, L Currah
• Shallot (Allium cepa, Aggregatum group), H D Rabinowitch and R Kamenetsky, The Volcani Centre, Israel
• Leek: Advances in Agronomy and Breeding, E Van Bockstaele and H De Clercq, Centre for Agricultural Research-Ghent (CLO-Gent), Belgium
• Ornamental Alliums, R Kamenetsky and R Fritsch