Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2. Microbiological and Biochemical Properties
One of the primary references on analytical methods in soil science, Part 2 of the Methods series will be useful to all biogeoscientists, especially those with an interest in microbiology or bioremediation.
1. Soil Sampling for Microbiological Analysis, A.G. Wollum II
2. Statistical Treatment of Microbial Data, Timothy B. Parkin and Joseph A. Robinson
3. Soil Sterilization, Duane C Wolf and Horace D. Skipper
4. Soil Water Potential, K.J McInnes, R. W. Weaver, an M.J. Savage
5. Most Probable Number Counts, Paul L. Woomer
6. Light Microscopic Methods for Studying Soil Microorganisms, Peter J. Bottomley
7. Viruses, J. Scott Angle
8. Recovery and Enumeration of Viable Bacteria, David A. Zuberer
9. Coliform Bacteria, Ronald F. Turco
10. Autotrophic Nitrifying Bacteria, Edwin L. Schmidt and L.W. Belser
11. Free-living Dinitrogen-fixing Bacteria, Roger Knowles and Wilfredo Laserna Barraquio
12. Legume Nodule Symbionts, R.W. Weaver and Peter H. Graham
13. Anaerobic Bacteria and Processes, Heinrich F. Kaspar and James M. Tiedje
14. Denitrifiers, James M. Tiedje
15. Actinomycetes, E.M.H. Wellington and I.K. Toth
16. Frankia and the Actinorhizal Symbiosis, David D. Myrold
17. Filamentous Fungi, Dennis Parkinson
18. Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi, David M. Sylvia
19. Isolation of Microorganisms Producing Antibiotics, Jeffrey J. Fuhrmann
20. Microbiological Procedures for Biodegradation Research, Dennis D. Focht
21. Algae and Cyanobacteria, F. Blane Metting, Jr.
22. Nematodes, Russell E. Ingham
23. Protozoa, Elaine R. Ingham
24. Athropods, Andrew R. Moldenke
25. Carbon Utilization and Fatty Acid Profiles for Characterization of Bacteria, A.C. Kennedy
26. Multilocus Enzyme Electrophoresis Methods for the Analysis of Bacterial Population Genetic Structure,
B.D. Eardly
27. Spontaneous and Intrinsic Antibiotic Resistance Markers, Charles Hagedorn
28. Serology and Conjugation of Antibodies, S.F. Wright
29. Whole-Cell Protein Profiles of Soil Bacteria by Gel Electrophoresis, Dipankar Sen
30. Plasmid Profiles, Ian L. Pepper
31. DNA Fingerprinting and Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Analysis, M.J. Sadowsky
32. Nucleic Acid Probes, A.V. Ogram and D.F. Bezdicek
33. Marking Soil Bacteria with lacZY, T.E. Staley and D.J. Drahos
34. Detection of Specific DNA Sequences in Environmental Samples via Polymerase Chain Reaction, Ian L.
Pepper and Suresh D. Pillai
35. Isolation and Purification of Bacterial DNA from Soil, William E. Holben
36. Microbial Biomass, W.R. Horwath and E.A. Paul
37. Soil Enzymes, M.A. Tabatabai
38. Carbon Mineralization, L.M. Zibilske
39. Isotopic Methods for the Study of Soil Organic Matter Dynamics, Duane C . Wolf, J.O. Legg, and
Thomas W. Boutton
40. Practical Considerations in the Use of Nitrogen Tracers in Agricultural and Environmental Research,
R.D. Hauck, J.J. Meisinger, and R.L. Mulvaney
41. Nitrogen Availability Indices, L.G. Bundy and J.J. Meisinger
42. Nitrogen Mineralization, Immobilization, and Nitrification, Stephen C. Hart, John M. Stark, Eric A.
Davidson, and Mary K. Firestone
43. Dinitrogen Fixation, R. W. Weaver and Seth K.A. Danso
44. Measuring Denitrification in the Field, A. R. Mosier and Leif Klemedtsson
45. Sulfur Oxidation and Reduction in Soils, M.A. Tabatabai
46. Iron and Manganese Oxidation and Reduction, William C. Ghiorse