Rights to Plant Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge: Basic Issues and Perspectives
Edited by S Biber-Klemm, University of Basel, Switzerland; T Cottier, World Trade Institute, Berne, Switzerland
Pub Date: August 2006
448 pages
Advanced students and researchers in biotechnology, plant breeding, genetic resources, intellectual property law, and agricultural economics. Members of international organisations and administrative bodies, members of negotiation delegations and NGOs.
Main Description
This book discusses the means, instruments and institutions needed to create incentives to promote the conservation and sustainable use of traditional knowledge and plant genetic resources for food and agriculture, within the framework of the world trade order. It analyses in depth the option to create specific sui generis intellectual property rights of the TRIPS Agreement. It then discusses the ways to support the maintenance of information which cannot be allocated to specific authors, and examines alternative concepts within the trade of traditionally generated information and related products.
Main Contents
• Introduction
Part 1 General Framework
• Problem and Goals, S Biber-Klemm, and D Szymura Berglas, World Trade Institute, University Berne, Berne, Switzerland
• The Current Law of Plant Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge, S Biber-Klemm, T Cottier, P Cullet, School of Oriental and African Studies, London, UK, and D Szymura Berglas
• Intellectual Property Rights, Plant Genetic Resources, and Traditional Knowledge, P Cullet, C Germann, University of Berne, Switzerland, A Nascimento, Geneva, Switzerland, and G Pasadilla, Philippine Institute for Development Studies, Philippines
Part II Towards Sui Generis Rights
• Origin and Allocation of Traditional Knowledge and Landraces
Part 1: Origin and Allocation of Traditional Knowledge and traditional PGRFA: Basic Questions, S Biber-Klemm
Part 2: Farmers, Landraces, and Property Rights: Challenges to Allocating Sui Generis Intellectual Property Rights to Communities over their Varieties, M Halewood, J J Cherfas, J M M Engels, Th. Hazekeamp, T Hodgkin, and J Robinson, IPGRI, Italy
• A New Generation of IPR for the Protection of Traditional Knowledge in PGR for Food, Agricultural and Pharmaceutical Uses, T Cottier and M Panizzon, World Trade Institute, University of Berne, Berne, Switzerland
• Flanking Policies in National and International Law, S Biber-Klemm, P Cullet, C Germann, A Nascimento, and J Curci Staffler, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA
Part III Options for Collective and Trade Policy Measures
• New Collective Policies, S Biber-Klemm, P Cullet, and K Kummer Peiry, Kummer EcoConsult, Switzerland
• International Trade Regulation for Plant Genetic Resources and Related Products
Part 1: The Impact of Agricultural Subsidies, S Biber-Klemm, and M Burkard, World Trade Insitute, University of Berne, Berne, Switzerland
Part 2: Enhancing Market Access, T Cottier and M Panizzon