Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Cucurbits
The last two decades has been the most exciting period in cucurbit genetic, genomic, and breeding research especially for cucumber, melon, and watermelon. In addition, cucumber became the first cucurbit to be sequenced, after other field crops such as rice, sorghum, soybean, and maize. This book provides an in-depth review of the state of the art of genetic and genomic research conducted in cucurbits in 13 chapters by 34 internationally renowned scientists and will be useful to cucurbit researchers as well as scientists working in other crops.
Major Cucurbit Crops, Yiqun Weng and Zhanyong Sun
Minor Cucurbits, T.K. Behera, A.K. Sureja, Sabina Islam, A.D. Munshi and A.S. Sidhu
Classical Genetics and Traditional Breeding, Stephen R. King, Angela R. Davis and Todd C. Wehner
Breeding Squash and Pumpkins, J. Brent Loy
Genetic Diversity Studies in Cucurbits Using Molecular Tools, C. Esteras, F. Nuez and B. Picó
Molecular Genetic Mapping and Map-based Cloning,Yi-Hong Wang
Mapping and Molecular Breeding of Monogenic Traits, Yi-Hong Wang
Genome Mapping and QTL Analysis in Cucurbits, Hugo E. Cuevas, Jack E. Staub and Juan E. Zalapa
Genomic and Functional Genomic Resources of Melon, Zhangjun Fei and Yang Liu
Watermelon, Amnon Levi, W. Patrick Wechter, Judy. A. Thies, and Kai-Shu Ling, Umesh K. Reddy, Yong
XU, Shaogui Guo and Xingping Zhang
Cucumber Genomics, Zhonghua Zhang, Jun He and Sanwen Huang
Sex Expression in Cucurbits, Rebecca Grumet and Jessica Taft
Future Prospects, Hiroshi Ezura