The Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of Flowering, 2nd edition
Research workers and advanced students in plant molecular biology and developmental biology, from both pure and applied (agricultural and horticulture) perspectives.
Main Description
Containing contributions from experts from the USA, Europe and New Zealand, this book provides an overview of the molecular mechanisms associated with flowering. The first edition was published in 1993 as The Molecular Biology of Flowering. The second edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to cover the major advances that have been made in the area in the last thirteen years. It has also been extended to examine the new commercial opportunities provided by biotechnology. It explores three main themes: the external and internal regulation of flowering, floral development, and fertilisation and gametophyte development, and includes new chapters on the evolution of flowers, floral senescence and apomixis.
• "Everyone with an interest in how flowers develop and function will find important data in this book."
Frits Adema, BLUMEA, 52(2)
Main Contents
External and Internal Regulation of Flowering
• Photoperiodism and flowering, B Thomas, I Carrι and S Jackson, University of Warwick, UK
• Vernalization, A R Gendall, La Trobe University, Australia and G G Simpson, Dundee University, UK
• Signal transduction regulating floral development, R G Anthony, University of London, UK
Floral Development
• Floral meristem identity genes, B Davies, University of Leeds, UK
• Molecular biology of floral organogenesis, B Krizek, University of South Carolina, USA
• Molecular developmental genetics and the evolution of flowers, G Theissen and K Kaufmann, Friedrich Schiller Universitat, Germany
• Flower senescence, S Verlinden, West Virginia University, USA
• Developmental control and biotechnology of floral pigmentation, K Davies and K Schwinn, Crop amd Food Research, New Zealand
• Biotechnology of floral development, C Winefield and B Jordan, Lincoln University, New Zealand
Fertilisation and Gametophyte Development
• Control of fertilization by self-incompatibility mechanisms, T Gaude, I Fobis-Loisy and C Miθge, CNRS-INRA-ENSL-UCB, France
• Male gametophyte development, R Scott, University of Bath, UK
• Genes regulating ovule development, J Broadhvest, Bayer Bioscience N V, Belgium & B Hauser, University of Florida, USA
• The molecular biology of Apomixis, R Bicknell and A Catanach, Crop and Food Research, New Zealand