Plant Nematology
Senior undergraduates and postgraduates in crop protection and nematology.
Main Description
Written by subject experts, this book provides an indispensible overview of all aspects of plant-parasitic nematodes. It begins by reviewing the basic structure and classification of nematodes, their taxonomy and phylogeny and the major groups of plant-parasitic nematodes. It moves on to cover their life cycle biology, the molecular characteristics of plant-nematode interaction and genetic engineering for resistance. The final section discusses quarantine legislation, sampling methods and management strategies including cultural schemes, the use of chemicals and resistant cultivars.
Main Contents
Part I. Taxonomy and Principal Genera
• Structure and Classification, W Decraemer, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Belgium, and D J Hunt, CABI Bioscience, UK
• Molecular Taxonomy and Phylogeny, S A Subbotin, University of California, USA, and M Moens
• Root-knot Nematodes, G Karssen, Plant Protection Service, The Netherlands, and M Moens
• Cyst Nematodes, S J Turner, Agriculture and Food Science Centre, Belfast, UK, and J A Rowe, Rothamstead Research, UK
• Migratory Endoparasitic Nematodes, L A Duncan, University of Florida, USA, and M Moens
• Ectoparasitic Nematodes, W Decraemer and E Geraert, Ghent University, Belgium
Part II. Nematode Biology and Plant Responses
• Reproduction, Physiology and Biochemistry, D J Wright, Imperial College London, UK, and R N Perry, Rothamsted Research, UK
• Behaviour and Sensory Perception, A F Robinson, USDA-ARS, USA, and R N Perry
• Molecular Aspects of Plant-Nematode Interactions, G Gheysen, Ghent University, Belgium, and J T Jones, Scottish Crop Research Institute, UK
• Genetic Engineering for Resistance, C Thomas, Milton Contact Limited, UK, and A Cottage, University of Cambridge, UK
Part III. Quantitative Nematology and Management
• Plant Growth and Population Dynamics, C H Schomaker and T H Been, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
• Distribution Patterns and Sampling, T H Been and C H Schomaker
• International Plant Health – Putting Legislation into Practice, S Hockland, Central Science Laboratory, UK, R N Inserra, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, USA, L Millar, US Department of Agriculture, USA, and P S Lehman, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, USA
• Biological and Cultural Management, N Viaene, Agricultural Research Centre, Belgium, D L Coyne, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Nigeria, and B R Kerry, Rothamsted Research, UK
• Resistant Cultivars, R Cook, Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, UK, and J L Starr, Texas A&M University, USA
• Chemical Control of Nematodes, P P J Haydock, S R Woods, I G Grove and M C Hare, Harper Adams University College, UK
• Those interested in how nematodes function will not be disappointed, with first-class chapters on the biochemistry, physiology and behaviour of plant-parasitic nematodes, while a well-written account on the molecular basis of plant-nematode interactions (by Godelieve Gheysen and John Jones) leads into a concise but valuable chapter on targets for transgenic nematode-resistant plants (by Chris Thomas and Amanda Cottage); the latter even includes a brief discussion of suitable sample sizes needed for assessing quantitative resistance in transgenic populations, another important topic rarely touched upon.
• At a time when a clear understanding of nematode pest-crops has never been more important, this book is an excellent guide to the topic.
Peter W. Jones, Department of Zoology, Ecology and Plant Science, University College Cork, 2006