Pheromones of Non-Lepidopteran Insects Associated with Agricultural Plants
Edited by J Hardie, Department of Biology, Imperial College at Silwood Park, UK; A K Minks, IPO-DLO, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Pub Date: September 1999
480 pages
Entomology and crop protection.
Main Description
Since the identification of insect pheromones in the late 1950s, attention has often focused on the use of these potent behaviour-modifying chemicals as pest control agents. Much of this interest has concentrated on Lepidoptera, particularly moths.
In addressing this topic in other insect orders, this multi-author book fills this current gap in the literature. It presents research from leading authorities on the most important insect groups, and details the current progress of research in these areas. Applications of the research to agricultural systems around the world, and possible mechanisms for sustainable crop protection, are considered.
This book is essential reading for students and researchers in entomology and crop protection.
Main Contents
Part I: Pests
• Fruit Flies, PJ Landolt, USDA–ARS, Yakima Agricultural Research Laboratory, USA and A L Averill, University of Massachusetts, USA
• Gall Midges, M O Harris and S P Foster, The Horticulture and Food Research Institute of New Zealand Ltd, New Zealand
• Scarab Beetles, W Soares Leal, National Institute of Sericultural and Entomological Science, Japan
• Sap Beetles, R J Bartelt, USDA–ARS, National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research, USA
• Weevils, R J Bartelt
• Forest Beetles, F Schlyter, Swedish Agricultural University, Sweden and G A Birgersson, Gφteborg University, Sweden
• Stored-product Beetles, R Plarre, BAMFederal Institute of Materials Research and Testing, Germany and D C Vanderwel, University of Winnipeg, Canada
• Sawflies and Seed Wasps, O Anderbrant, Lund University, Sweden
• Aphids, J Hardie, J A Pickett, E M Pow and D W M Smiley, IACR–Rothamsted, UK
• Scale Insects, E Dunkelblum, Agricultural Research Organisation, Israel
• Phytophagous Bugs, H L McBrien and J G Millar, University of California, USA
• Grasshoppers and Locusts, A Hassanali and B Torto, International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE), Kenya
• Termites, M Kaib, University of Bayreuth, Germany
Part II: Beneficials
• Predators, J R Aldrich, USDA–ARS Insect Chemical Ecology Laboratory, USA
• Parasitoids, Y Kainoh, University of Tsukuba, Japan
• Parasitoid Hosts, W Powell, IACR–Rothamsted, UK
• Bees, J Pettis, USDA–ARS, Honey Bee Research Laboratory, USA, T Pankiw, University of California, USA and E Plettner, University of Utah, USA