Insects on Palms
Entomology, ornamental horticulture, tropical agriculture
Key Features
• Essential reference for those interested in insects which affect palm plants
• Covering all aspects, from the way in which the insects feed on the plants to insect control methods and field studies
• The insects discussed are grouped by their association with palms
• Contains a set of brief special essays, each related to a particular topic covered in the book
• Includes many previously unpublished observations of the authors
• The most comprehensive book on insects of palms with a worldwide viewpoint
Main Description
Palms constitute one of the largest botanical families, and include some of the world's most important economic plants. They are also unequalled as outdoor and indoor ornamental plants, and include many species that are essential components of the ecosystems of tropical and other warm regions.
This book reviews the inter-relationships between palms and insects, emphasising the similarities in different world regions. The host plants, distribution, and bionomics of representative insects are discussed according to their feeding sites on palms (foliage, flowers, fruits, and stems) and their taxonomic groups. Host and distribution records for the most extensively represented insect families on palms are tabulated. Pest management and field techniques are also covered.
This book is recommended reading for tropical biologists and agriculturalists, including entomologists, horticulturists and tropical ecologists as well as palm nursery growers, managers and enthusiasts.
"...Should be on the bookshelf of every entomologist with an interest in insects found on palms and every agriculturist or horticulturist concerned with growing palms."
Journal of Applied Entomology, June 2002
"I can think of no higher praise for this book than to say it will doubtlessly inspire an entire generation of entomologists working with palms. The impact of this book will reverberate through universities, agricultural research stations and museums for many years to come."
Palms, June 2002
"The authors are congratulated on a worthy addition to the bookshelves of people interested in palms and their pests."
Southern African Society for Horticultural Sciences, June 2002
"The book is readable, and well presented". "It will be a useful reference to have on hand for the targeted audience of entomologists and other involved in the technical aspects of growing palms".
Crop Protection Journal, 2002
"This truly excellent volume is a remarkable synthesis of the massive body of published data on insects associated with palms. The authors are needlessly self-deprecating in the preface about their achievement, as the contents of the book will undoubtedly stand the test of time and be the standard reference text for years to come".
Edinburgh Journal of Botany, 2002
"This book certainly could be useful to landscape workers as an excellent reference and as a valuable textbook for advanced courses in insect-plant interactions. The basic information on feeding and morphology can readily be transposed for most plants. It is a book extension entomologists should have in areas of the world in which palms are continually brought in, and problems arise and need diagnoses and recommendations. 'Insects on Palms' certainly covered all maladies I have had to deal with in palms and opened my eyes to many others that could arise".
Carl A Olson, Annals of the Entomological Society of America
Main Contents
• The animal class Insecta and the plant family Palmae, Forrest W Howard
• Defoliators on palms
• Lepidoptera, Forrest W Howard and Reynaldo G Abad
• Coleoptera, Forrest W Howard and Reynaldo G Abad
• Orthoptera, Dave Moore and Forrest W Howard
• Phasmida and Hymenoptera, Forrest W Howard
• Sap-feeders on palms, Forrest W Howard
• Hemiptera: Heteroptera, Forrest W Howard
• Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha, Forrest W Howard and Michael R Wilson, National Museum of Wales, Cardiff
• Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha, Forrest W Howard
• Thysanoptera, Forrest W Howard
• Acari, Dave Moore and Forrest W Howard
• Insects of palm flowers and fruits, Dave Moore
• Borers of palms, Robin M Giblin-Davis
• Population regulation of palm pests, Dave Moore
• Principles of insect pest control on palms, Forrest W Howard
• Field techniques for studies of palm insects, Forrest W Howard