Compendium of Peanut Diseases
Compendium of Peanut Diseases, Second Edition is a guide to the identification, diagnosis, and control of peanut diseases and disorders. Bringing together color photographs and authoritative information in a single volume, this convenient compendium is a valuable resource for peanut growers and crop consultants around the world.
This compendium has become a standard guidebook for the peanut industry. The contributors are an international group that includes 50 peanut experts from the United States, India, The Peoples Republic of China, Malawi, Australia, Israel, and South Africa. They offer advice on diseases and disorders found in each of the world's major peanut-growing regions.
Detailed descriptions of 55 peanut diseases are the core of the book. Covering diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, nematodes, and viruses, these descriptions present detailed information on symptoms, causal organisms, disease cycle, control, host range, transmission, detection, and epidemiology. In addition to diseases, the compendium also describes peanut disorders caused by environmental stress, insects and arthropods, and parasitic flowering plants. Other sections of the compendium cover beneficial organisms, organisms with an undetermined relationship to peanuts, disease management strategies, genetic modification, and a listing of disease and insect resistant cultivars currently available for use by growers and breeders.
The Peanut
Origin of the Peanut
Taxonomy of the Genus Arachis
Peanut Diseases
Part I: Biotic Diseases
Diseases Caused by Fungi
Alternaria Leaf Spot
Aspergillus Crown Rot
Black Hull
Botrytis Blight
Charcoal Rot
Choanephora Leaf Spot
Cylindrocladium Black Rot
Delimited Shell Spot
Diplodia Collar Rot
Early and Late Leaf Spots
Fusarium Diseases
Myrothecium Leaf Blight
Neocosmospora Foot Rot
Olpidium Root Discoloration
Peanut Pod Rot Complex
Pepper Spot and Leaf Scorch
Pestalotiopsis Leaf Spot
Phanerochaete Omnivora
Phomopsis Blight
Phyllosticta Leaf Spot
Phymatotrichum Root Rot
Powdery Mildew
Pythium Diseases
Rhizoctonia Diseases
Sclerotinia Blight
Stem Rot
Verticillium Wilt
Web Blotch
Yellow Mold and Aflatoxin
Zonate Leaf Spot
Diseases Caused by Bacteria
Bacterial Leaf Spot
Bacterial Wilt
Diseases Caused by Nematodes
Root-Knot Nematodes
Root-Lesion Nematodes
Sting Nematodes
Ring Nematodes
Peanut Pod Nematodes
Other Nematodes
Diseases Caused by Viruses
Tomato Spotted Wilt and Peanut Bud Necrosis Viruses
Peanut Clump and Indian Peanut Clump Viruses
Groundnut Rosette
Peanut Mottle
Peanut Stripe
Peanut Stunt
Cowpea Mild Mottle
Cucumber Mosaic
Peanut Chlorotic Streak
Other Viruses
Witches Broom
Part II: Abiotic Diseases
Drought Stress
Frost Injury
Genetic Disorders
Hail Injury
Herbicide Injury
Lightning Injury
Nutrient Imbalances
Ozone Damage
Part III: Insects and Arthropods
Foliage Feeders
Intracellular Feeders
Root and Pod Feeders
Stored Product Feeders
Part IV: Other Organisms
Parasitic Flowering Plants
Alectra vogelii
Striga, spp
Cuscuta campestris
Beneficial Organisms
Bacillus subtilus
Leaf Surface Epiphytes
Dicyma pulvinata
Part V: Management of Peanut Diseases
Genetic Modification
Disease and/or Insect Resistant Cultivars