Compendium of Cucurbit Diseases
Use this book to identify, control, and prevent diseases and disorders of melons, watermelons, squash, cucumbers, and other cucurbits.
From the Preface:
The cucurbits are a very diverse group of plant species that form the plant family Cucubitaceae. Collectively they make up a significant group of vegetables enjoyed the world over, and they comprise a rich genetic diversity responsible for a significant contributions to a disease and insect resistance. There has been a long-standing need for a comprehensive, authoritative, and up-to-date account of cucurbit disease. This book is international in scope and practical in emphasis. It is designed to assist in the diagnosis of cucurbit disease, whether in the field, the greenhouse, the laboratory, or the diagnostic clinic.
The compendium describes infectious diseases incited by fungi (disease of subterranean parts, diseases of aerial parts, and pre- and postharvest fruit rots), bacteria, a phytoplasma, viruses, viroids, nematodes, and parasitic plants. The non-infectious disorders discussed include nutritional deficiencies and toxicities, herbicide injury, air pollution, bitter fruit due to cucurbitacins, guttation, moisture stress, temperature stress, pollination problems, and damage from arthropods (mites and insects). A section on postharvest handling is also included. Techniques for the use of hand lens in the identification of the diseases in the field are described in the final section of the text.
Cucurbit Diseases
Botany and Culture
Seed Production
Cultural Practices
Part I: Infectious Diseases
Fungal Diseases of Subterranean Parts
Acremonium Hypocotyl Rot
Charcoal Rot
Fusarium Wilts
Fusarium Wilt of Watermelon
Fusarium Wilt of Melon
Fusarium Wilt of Cucumber
Fusarium Crown and Foot Rot of Squash
Other Wilt Diseases Caused by Fusarium spp.
Monosporascus Root; Rot and Vine Decline
Phomopsis Black Root Rot of Cucumber
Phytophthora Crown and Root Rot
Pink Root
Pythium and Phytophthora Damping-off and Root Rot
Verticillium Wilt
Fungal Diseases of Aerial Parts
Alternaria Leaf Blight
Alternaria Leaf Spot
Cercospora Leaf Spot
Downy Mildew
Gummy Stem Blight
Microdochium Blight
Net Spot
Powdery Mildew
Septoria Leaf Spot
Target Leaf Spot
Ulocladium Leaf Spot
Diseases Caused by Bacteria
Angular Leaf Spot
Bacterial Fruit Blotch
Bacterial Leaf Spot
Bacterial Rind Necrosis
Bacterial Wilt
Disease Caused by a Phytoplasma
Aster Yellows
Diseases Caused by Viruses
Cucumber Mosaic
Lettuce Infectious Yellows
Papaya Ringspot- W
Squash Leaf Curl
Squash Mosaic
Tobacco Ringspot
Tomato Ringspot
Watermelon Mosaic
Zucchini Yellow Mosaic
Minor Diseases Caused by Viruses and Viroids
Pre- and Postharvest Fruit Rots
Alternaria Rot
Bacterial Brown Spot
Bacterial Soft Rot
Belly Rot
Black Rot
Blue Mold
Choanephora Fruit Rot
Crater Rot
Fusarium Rot
Lasiodiplodia Fruit Rot
Phomopsis Black Rot and Purple Stem
Phytophthora Fruit Rot
Pythium Cottony Leak
Red Rot
Rhizopus Soft Rot
Sclerotinia Rot
Southern Blight
Diseases Caused by Nematodes
Root-Knot Nematodes
Reniform Nematode
Other Nematodes
Parasitic Seed Plants
Part II: Noninfectious Disorders
Nutritional Disorders
Herbicide Injury
Air Pollution
Physiological Disorders
Bitter Fruit
Moisture Stress
Pollination Problems
Temperature Stress
Damage Caused by Arthropods
Squash Bug
Squash Vine Borer
Striped Cucumber Beetle
Part III: Diseases of Undetermined Etiology
Crown Blight of Melons
Part IV: Postharvest Handling
General Physiology
Part V: Field Identification of Selected Cucurbit Diseases Using a Hand Lens