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Δάση και περιβάλλον στην αρχαία Ελλάδα
Δάση και περιβάλλον στην αρχαία Ελλάδα
Forests and Environment in Ancient Greece
Pricelist price: 8.00€
6.79€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Special English for Forestry
Special English for Forestry
Pricelist price: 14.00€
11.89€ + TAX 6%
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Δασική πληροφορική, τεύχος Α
Δασική πληροφορική, τεύχος Α
Pricelist price: 14.91€
12.66€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Δασική εδαφολογία
Δασική εδαφολογία
Pricelist price: 15.00€
12.74€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Δέντρα και θάμνοι
Δέντρα και θάμνοι
Pricelist price: 20.00€
16.98€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Δασική πληροφορική, τεύχος B
Δασική πληροφορική, τεύχος B
Pricelist price: 21.30€
18.08€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Περιγραφή - Δειγματοληψία εργαστηριακές αναλύσεις δασικών εδαφών και φυτικών ιστών
Περιγραφή - Δειγματοληψία εργαστηριακές αναλύσεις δασικών εδαφών και φυτικών ιστών
Pricelist price: 23.43€
19.90€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Ασθένειες των δέντρων δασών και πάρκων
Ασθένειες των δέντρων δασών και πάρκων
Pricelist price: 24.50€
20.80€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Συγκομιδή δασικών προϊόντων
Συγκομιδή δασικών προϊόντων
Pricelist price: 25.00€
21.23€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Εντομολογία των δέντρων, δασών και πάρκων
Εντομολογία των δέντρων, δασών και πάρκων
Πέμπτη έκδοση
Pricelist price: 25.51€
21.66€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Δασική αεροφωτογραφία
Δασική αεροφωτογραφία
Pricelist price: 30.00€
25.47€ + TAX 6%
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Τα δάση της Ελλάδας
Τα δάση της Ελλάδας
Pricelist price: 30.00€
25.47€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
MOD. 008337
25.98€ + TAX 6%
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Woodland Management - A Practical Guide
Woodland Management - A Practical Guide
26.89€ + TAX 6%
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Επιστήμη και Τεχνολογία του Ξύλου
Επιστήμη και Τεχνολογία του Ξύλου

A' Τόμος
ISBN 978-960-6859-02-1
Σχήμα 17x24, Σελίδες 352

Β΄ Τόμος
ISBN 978-960-6859-03-8
Σχήμα 17x24, Σελίδες 310
Pricelist price: 60.00€
28.30€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Coppicing and Coppice Crafts: A Comprehensive Guide
Coppicing and Coppice Crafts: A Comprehensive Guide

By Rebecca Oaks , Edward Mills
30.28€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Δασικό και αγροτικό κτηματολόγιο
Δασικό και αγροτικό κτηματολόγιο
Pricelist price: 36.00€
30.57€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Εφαρμοσμένη δασοκομική
Εφαρμοσμένη δασοκομική
Pricelist price: 38.00€
32.26€ + TAX 6%
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Δασικές κατασκευές και φυσικό περιβάλλον
Δασικές κατασκευές και φυσικό περιβάλλον
Pricelist price: 38.00€
32.26€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Εγχειρίδιο δασοπροστασίας
Εγχειρίδιο δασοπροστασίας
Pricelist price: 40.00€
33.96€ + TAX 6%
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A Planner's Guide For Oak Woodlands
A Planner's Guide For Oak Woodlands
41.42€ + TAX 6%
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A Natural History of Conifers
A Natural History of Conifers
42.58€ + TAX 6%
Out of Stock
The Silviculture of Trees Used in British Forestry
The Silviculture of Trees Used in British Forestry

by P S Savill

160 pages
46.72€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Forestry in a Global Context
Forestry in a Global Context

by R Sands, New Zealand School of Forestry, University of Canterbury, New Zealand

272 pages
52.25€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Forestry Budgets and Accounts
Forestry Budgets and Accounts

by G Bright, School of Agricultural and Forest Sciences, University of Wales, Bangor, UK

384 pages
68.82€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Forests and Society: Sustainability and Life Cycles of Forests in Human Landscapes
Forests and Society: Sustainability and Life Cycles of Forests in Human Landscapes

Edited by K A Vogt, University of Washington; J M Honea, NOAA Fisheries, USA; D J Vogt, University of Washington, USA; R L Edmonds, University of Washington, USA; T Patel-Weynand, USGS, USA; R Sigurdardottir, CAPEIntl Iceland; M G Andreu, University of Florida, USA

384 pages
68.82€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
The Dictionary of Forestry
The Dictionary of Forestry

Edited by J A Helms, University of California at Berkeley, USA

224 pages
68.82€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Measuring Trees and Forests, 2nd Edition
Measuring Trees and Forests, 2nd Edition

by M S Philip, Honorary Reader, Department of Forestry, University of Aberdeen, UK

336 pages
68.82€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Agroforestry for Soil Management, 2nd Edition
Agroforestry for Soil Management, 2nd Edition

by A Young, University of East Anglia, UK, formerly of the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF), Nairobi, Kenya

320 pages
68.82€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Insect Pests in Tropical Forestry
Insect Pests in Tropical Forestry

by M R Speight, Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, UK; F R Wylie, Queensland Forest Research Institute, Australia

320 pages
74.35€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
The Silviculture of Mahogany
The Silviculture of Mahogany

by J Mayhew, Institute of Ecology and Resource Management, University of Edinburgh, UK; A C Newton, Institute of Ecology and Resource Management, University of Edinburgh, UK

240 pages
74.35€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Διάνοιξη δάσους
Διάνοιξη δάσους
Μετατόπιση και μεταφορά δασικών προϊόντων
Pricelist price: 90.53€
76.87€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Oaks in the Urban Landscape
Oaks in the Urban Landscape

Copyright Date: 2011
94.10€ + TAX 6%
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Introductory Probability and Statistics: Applications for Forestry and Natural Sciences
Introductory Probability and Statistics: Applications for Forestry and Natural Sciences

by A Kozak; R Kozak; S Watts; C Staudhammer

448 pages
96.45€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Trees on the Farm: Assessing the Adoption Potential of Agroforestry Practices in Africa
Trees on the Farm: Assessing the Adoption Potential of Agroforestry Practices in Africa
96.45€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Forestry and Environmental Change: Socioeconomic and Political Dimensions
Forestry and Environmental Change: Socioeconomic and Political Dimensions
96.45€ + TAX 6%
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Forest Genetics
Forest Genetics
MOD. 004064
96.45€ + TAX 6%
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Forest Products and Wood Science: An Introduction, 5th Edition
Forest Products and Wood Science: An Introduction, 5th Edition
97.84€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Agricultural Technologies and Tropical Deforestation
Agricultural Technologies and Tropical Deforestation
107.51€ + TAX 6%
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Russian-English, English-Russian Forestry and Wood Dictionary, 2nd Edition
Russian-English, English-Russian Forestry and Wood Dictionary, 2nd Edition

by W Linnard, Freelance Translator, Cardiff, UK; D Darrah-Morgan, Freelance Translator, Pembridge, Herefordshire, UK

272 pages
107.51€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
The Measurement of Roundwood: Methodologies and Conversion Ratios
The Measurement of Roundwood: Methodologies and Conversion Ratios

by M A Fonseca, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Trade and Timber Branch, Geneva, Switzerland

288 pages
107.51€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Forest Tourism and Recreation: Case Studies in Environmental Management
Forest Tourism and Recreation: Case Studies in Environmental Management

Edited by X Font, Faculty of Leisure and Tourism, Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College, High Wycombe, UK; J Tribe, Faculty of Leisure and Tourism, Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College, High Wycombe, UK

304 pages
107.51€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
European Woods and Forests: Studies in Cultural History
European Woods and Forests: Studies in Cultural History

Edited by C Watkins, Department of Geography, University of Nottingham, UK

256 pages
124.08€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Air Pollution and the Forests of Developing and Rapidly Industrialising Countries
Air Pollution and the Forests of Developing and Rapidly Industrialising Countries

Edited by J L Innes, Department of Forest Resources Management, University of British Columbia, Canada; H Abu Hassan, Institute of Foresters, Malaysia

264 pages
124.08€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Environmental Change and Geomorphic Hazards in Forests
Environmental Change and Geomorphic Hazards in Forests
124.08€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Forest Dynamics in Heavily Polluted Regions
Forest Dynamics in Heavily Polluted Regions

Edited by J L Innes, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada; J Oleksyn, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Dendrology, Kσrnik, Poland

256 pages
124.08€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Forest Climbing Plants of West Africa: Diversity, Ecology and Management
Forest Climbing Plants of West Africa: Diversity, Ecology and Management

Edited by F Bongers, Wageningen University, The Netherlands; M P E Parren, Wageningen University, The Netherlands; D Traorι, University of Cocody, Cτte d'Ivoire

288 pages
124.08€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Japan and World Timber Markets
Japan and World Timber Markets

by P Blandon, Department of Business Studies, London Guildhall University, UK

256 pages
124.08€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Forest Policy: International Case Studies
Forest Policy: International Case Studies

Edited by B Wilson, Canadian Forest Service, Victoria, Canada; G C van Kooten; I Vertinsky; L Arthur

304 pages
124.08€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Forest History: International Studies on Socioeconomic and Forest Ecosystem Change
Forest History: International Studies on Socioeconomic and Forest Ecosystem Change
129.61€ + TAX 6%
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Forestry and Climate Change
Forestry and Climate Change
129.61€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Forests and Landscapes: Linking Ecology, Sustainability and Aesthetics
Forests and Landscapes: Linking Ecology, Sustainability and Aesthetics

Edited by S R J Sheppard, Department of Forest Resources Management, University of British Columbia, Canada; H W Harshaw, Department of Forest Resources Management, University of British Columbia, Canada

304 pages
129.61€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Forest Biodiversity: Lessons from History for Conservation
Forest Biodiversity: Lessons from History for Conservation
129.61€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
The Ecological History of European Forests
The Ecological History of European Forests
129.61€ + TAX 6%
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Grazing Ecology and Forest History
Grazing Ecology and Forest History

by F W M Vera, Strategic Policies Division, Ministry of Agriculture, The Hague, The Netherlands

528 pages
129.61€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Introduction to Forestry Science 3e (Εισαγωγή στη δασολογία - έκδοση στα αγγλικά)
Introduction to Forestry Science 3e
Forest Policy for Private Forestry
Forest Policy for Private Forestry

Edited by L D Teeter, Auburn University, Alabama, USA; B Cashore, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA; D Zhang, Auburn University, Alabama, USA

352 pages
140.66€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Forestry, Economics and the Environment
Forestry, Economics and the Environment

Edited by W L Adamowicz, University of Alberta and Forestry Canada; M K Luckert; W E Phillips; W White, University of Alberta and Forestry Canada; P C Boxall

288 pages
140.66€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Rust Diseases of Willow and Poplar
Rust Diseases of Willow and Poplar

Edited by M H Pei, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, UK; A R McCracken, Queen's University, Belfast, UK

288 pages
140.66€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Silvopastoralism and Sustainable Land Management
Silvopastoralism and Sustainable Land Management

Edited by M R Mosquera-Losada, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain; A Riguerio, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain; J McAdam, Queen's University, Belfast, UK

432 pages
140.66€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Valuing Mediterranean Forests: Towards Total Economic Value
Valuing Mediterranean Forests: Towards Total Economic Value

Edited by M Merlo, University of Padua, Italy; L Croitoru, University of Padua, Italy

448 pages
140.66€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Cross-sectoral Policy Developments in Forestry
Cross-sectoral Policy Developments in Forestry
140.66€ + TAX 6%
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Forests at the Land - Atmosphere Interface
Forests at the Land–Atmosphere Interface

Edited by M Mencuccini; J Moncrieff; K McNaughton; J Grace, Institute of Ecology and Resource Management, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland

304 pages
140.66€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
The Impact of Carbon Dioxide and Other Greenhouse Gases on Forest Ecosystems
The Impact of Carbon Dioxide and Other Greenhouse Gases on Forest Ecosystems

Edited by D Karnosky, Michigan Technological University, USA; R Ceulemans, University of Antwerp, Belgium; G Scarascia-Mugnozza, University of Tuscia, Italy; J L Innes, University of British Columbia, Canada

352 pages
140.66€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Tropical Forests of the Guiana Shield
Tropical Forests of the Guiana Shield

Edited by D Hammond, formerly of the Iwokrama International Centre for Rain Forest Conservation and Development, Georgetown, Guyana

560 pages
140.66€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Modelling Forest Systems
Modelling Forest Systems

Edited by A Amaro, Instituto Superior de Gestao, Lisbon, Portugal, D Reed, Michigan Technological University, USA; P Soares, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisbon, Portugal

432 pages
157.24€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Forests in Sustainable Mountain Development
Forests in Sustainable Mountain Development

Edited by M Price; N Butt, Mountain Regions & Conservation Programme, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford, UK

624 pages
157.24€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Sustainable Forestry: From Monitoring and Modelling to Knowledge Management and Policy Science
Sustainable Forestry: From Monitoring and Modelling to Knowledge Management and Policy Science

Edited by K Reynolds, USDA Forest Service, Oregan, USA; A Thomson, Canadian Forest Service, British Columbia, Canada; M Shannon, State University of New York, USA; M Kohl, University of Hamburg, Germany; D Ray, Forest Research, Roslin, UK; K Rennolls, University of Greenwich, UK,

576 pages
157.24€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Recreational and Environmental Markets for Forest Enterprises
Recreational and Environmental Markets for Forest Enterprises

by U Mantau, University of Hamburg, Germany; M Merlo, University of Padua, Italy; W Sekot, University for Agricultural Sciences, Austria
Edited by B Welcker, University of Hamburg, Germany

544 pages
157.24€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Bioconversion of Forest and Agricultural Plant Residues
Bioconversion of Forest and Agricultural Plant Residues

Edited by J N Saddler, Chair of Forest Products Biotechnology, University of British Columbia, Canada

352 pages
157.24€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Conservation and Management of Tropical Rainforests: An integrated approach to sustainability
Conservation and Management of Tropical Rainforests: An integrated approach to sustainability

by E F Bruenig, Chair of World Forestry, University of Hamburg, Germany

352 pages
157.24€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Biodiversity Loss and Conservation in Fragmented Forest Landscapes: The Forests of Montane Mexico and Temperate South America
Biodiversity Loss and Conservation in Fragmented Forest Landscapes: The Forests of Montane Mexico and Temperate South America

Edited by A C Newton, Bournmouth University, UK

416 pages
Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management
Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management
168.29€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Biodiversity of West African Forests: An Ecological Atlas of Woody Plant Species
Biodiversity of West African Forests: An Ecological Atlas of Woody Plant Species

Edited by L Poorter, Wageningen University, The Netherlands; F Bongers, Wageningen University, The Netherlands; F N Kouamι, University of Cocody, Cotι d'Ivoire; W D Hawthorne, Oxford Forestry Institute, University of Oxford, UK

528 pages
173.82€ + TAX 6%
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Pines of Silvicultural Importance
Pines of Silvicultural Importance

608 pages
173.82€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
The Ecology and Silviculture of Oaks
The Ecology and Silviculture of Oaks

by P S Johnson, US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service North Central Research Station, Columbia, Missouri, USA; S R Shifley, US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service North Central Research Station, Columbia, Missouri, USA; R Rogers, College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Wisconsin, USA

528 pages
173.82€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Forest Conservation Genetics: Principles and Practice
Forest Conservation Genetics: Principles and Practice
173.82€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Mycorrhizae: Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry
Mycorrhizae: Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry
213.02€ + TAX 6%
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Allelopathy in Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry
Allelopathy in Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry
218.40€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Fishes and Forestry: Worldwide Watershed Interactions and Management
Fishes and Forestry: Worldwide Watershed Interactions and Management

Thomas G. Northcote (Editor), G. F. Hartman (Editor)
800 pages
March 2004
249.80€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Agroforestry in Europe
Agroforestry in Europe
Current Status and Future Prospects
260.33€ + TAX 6%
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Smallholder Tree Growing for Rural Development and Environmental Services
Smallholder Tree Growing for Rural Development and Environmental Services
266.13€ + TAX 6%
In Stock
Innovation in Forestry
Innovation in Forestry
Territorial and Value Chain Relationships

Edited by G Weiss, BOKU University Vienna, D Pettenella, University of Padova, Italy, P Ollonqvist, Finnish Forest Research Institute, Finland, B Slee, The Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, Scotland

February 2011
344 Pages
Call for availability and price
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Planted Forests
Planted Forests
Uses, Impacts and Sustainability

Edited by J Evans, Professor of Forestry, formerly Imperial College London

September 2009
224 Pages
MOD. 004339
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Woodland Cultures in Time and Space
Woodland Cultures in Time and Space
tales from the past, messages for the future
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Tropical Moist Forest Silviculture and Management: A History of Success and Failure
Tropical Moist Forest Silviculture and Management: A History of Success and Failure

by H C Dawkins (deceased), Oxford Forestry Institute, University of Oxford, UK; M S Philip, Department of Forestry, University of Aberdeen, UK

384 pages
Call for availability and price
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Forest Management and Planning
Forest Management and Planning

By Pete Bettinger, Kevin Boston, Jacek Siry and Donald L. Grebner
360 pages
Trim Size 216 X 276 mm
Copyright 2009
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Forest Pathology: From Genes to Landscapes
Forest Pathology: From Genes to Landscapes
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Ασθένειες των δέντρων δασών και πάρκων
Ασθένειες των δέντρων δασών και πάρκων
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