Food Analysis and Preservation
Current Research Topics
• Focuses on information regarding chemical and microbiological analysis as well as nonthermal methods of food preservation such as active packaging, essential oils, chitosan, ozonation, irradiation, bacteriocins, and more
• Emphasizes the interrelationships between food analysis, food processing and preservation, and food microbiology
• Covers the microbiology of food processing to preserve quality and prevent spoilage caused by physical, chemical, and mostly microbiological agents
This important book focuses on specific topics in food analysis and preservation investigated in the Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Technology at the University Ioannina, Greece, over the past five years. The book specifically targets consumer protection. Foods are being processed to preserve quality and prevent spoilage caused by physical, chemical, and mostly microbiological agents. In this sense, microbiology is inherently related to food preservation. This book provides invaluable information regarding food substrates, toxicology, nutritional content, microbiology, and more.
The experimental investigations in this book focus on information regarding chemical and microbiological analysis as well as nonthermal methods of food preservation such as active packaging, essential oils, chitosan, ozonation, irradiation, bacteriocins, etc.
This important book emphasizes the interrelationships between food analysis, food processing and preservation, and food microbiology, which will be invaluable for food scientists around the world.
Determination of DSP Toxins in Mussels and Decontamination Using Ozonation
Effect of Light on Vitamin Loss and Shelf Life of Pasteurized Milk Packages in PET Bottles
Differentiation of Greek Extra Virgin Oils According to Cultivar and Geographical Origin
Effect of Irradiation on the Migration of ATBC Plasticizer from P(VdC-VC) Films Into Fish Fillets
Evaluation of Bag-in-Box as Packaging Material for Dry White Wine
Effect of Ozonation in Combination with Packaging and Refrigeration on Shelf Life Extension of Fresh Tomatoes
Combined Effect of Essential Oils and Nisin on Shelf-Life Extension of Meat Stored at 4°
Combined Effect of Essential Oils and Nisin on the Survival of Listeria
Shelf-Life Extension of Ground Meat, Stored at 4°: Using Chitosan and an Oxygen Absorber
Control of E. coli O157:H7 in Stirred Yogurt Using Mastic and Almond Essential Oils