Below-ground Interactions in Tropical Agroecosystems: Concepts and Models with Multiple Plant Components
Edited by M van Noordwijk, World Agroforestry Centre, (ICRAF), Bogor, Indonesia; G Cadish, Department of Agricultural Sciences, Imperial College London, Wye, UK; C K Ong, World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), Nairobi, Kenya
464 pages
Plant science, crop science, soil science, ecology and agroforestry.
Main Description
This book provides a synthesis of plant-soil-plant interactions in agroforestry, intercropping and grass-legume interactions. It focuses on the process level, which is relevant to many types of multi-species agroecosystem. It also links basic research to practical applications in a wide range of systems with or without trees, and considers effects of global change on below-ground interactions. The contents include soil biodiversity and food webs, phosphorus dynamics and mobilization by plants, and crop and tree root-system dynamics. The book will be of significant interest to researchers in plant, crop and soil sciences as well as agroforestry.
• "It is good to see that mainstream scientific research is now taking complex agroecosystems seriously and this book takes the science forward in a significant step."
Martin Crawford, Agroforestry News, July 2004
• "This well-illustrated book is a welcome step towards in-depth understanding of below-ground interactions in tropical agroforestry, intercropping, and grass-legumes based agroecosystems. The book will be of much interest to researchers and advanced students viewing various crop production systems in ecosystem perspective."
Nandita Ghoshal, Tropical Ecology, 45(2), 2004
• "Overall the breadth of subjects covered makes this a useful synthesis of current concepts and practices."
T J Daniell, B S Griffiths and B M McKenzie, Experimental Agriculture, 41, 2005
Main Contents
• Ecological interactions in multispecies agroecosystems: concepts and rules, C K Ong, R M Kho, Kamerlingh Onnesstraat, The Netherlands and S Radersma, ICRAF, Nairobi, Kenya
• Locally derived knowledge of soil fertility and its emerging role in integrated natural resource management, L Joshi, ICRAF, Bogor, Indonesia, P K Shrestha, LI-BIRD, Nepal, C Moss and F L Sinclair, University of Wales, Bangor, UK
• Models of below-ground interactions: their validity, applicability and beneficiaries, R Matthews, Cranfield University, Bedfordshire, UK, M van Noordwijk, A J Gijsman, CIAT, Cali, Colombia and G Cadisch
• Tree root architecture, F K Akinnifesi, ICRAF, Southern Africa, E C Rowe, Wageningen University, The Netherlands, S J Livesley, The University of Western Australia, et al.
• Crop and tree root-system dynamics, M van Noordwijk, S Rahayu, S E Williams, ICRAF, Bogor, Indonesia, et al.
• Opportunities for capture of deep soil nutrients, R J Buresh, IRRI, The Philippines, E C Rowe, S J Livesley, et al.
• Phosphorus dynamics and mobilization by plants, P F Grierson, The University of Western Australia, P Smithson, ICRAF, Kenya, G Nziguheba, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, et al.
• Managing soil acidity and aluminium toxicity in tree-based agroecosystems, M T F Wong, CSIRO, Australia, K Hairiah,Brawijaya University, Indonesia and J Alegre, ICRAF, Peru
• Uptake, partitioning and redistribution of water by roots in mixed-species agroecosystems, M Smith, CSIRO, Australia, S S O Burgess, University of California, USA, D Suprayogo, Brawijaya University, Indonesia, et al.
• Catching and competing for mobile nutrients in soils, G Cadisch, P de Willigen, Alterra, The Netherlands, D Suprayogo, et al.
• Below-ground inputs: relationships with soil quality, soil C storage and soil structure, A Albrecht, ICRAF, Nairobi, Kenya, G Cadisch, E Blanchart, IRD, Montpellier, France, S M Sitompul, Brawijaya University, Indonesia, et al.
• Soil-atmosphere gas exchange in tropical agriculture: Contributions to climate change, L V Verchot, ICRAF, Nairobi, Kenya, A Mosier, USDA, Fort Collins, USA, E M Baggs, Imperial College of London, Wye, UK, et al.
• Benefiting from N2-fixation and managing rhizobia, P L Mafongoya, ICRAF, Chiputa, Zambia, K E Giller, Wageningen University, The Netherlands, D Odee, KEFRI, Kisumu, Kenya, et al.
• Managing mycorrhiza in tropical multispecies agroecosystems, T W Kuyper, Wageningen University, The Netherlands, I M Cardoso, Federal University of Vitosa, Brazil, N A Onguene, IRAD, Cameroon, et al.
• Nematodes and other soilborne pathogens in agroforestry, J Desaeger, University of Georgia Coastal Plant Experiment Station, USA, M R Rao, ICRISAT, AP. India and J Bridge, CABI Bioscience, Surrey, UK
• Soil biodiversity and food webs, F X Susilo, Lampung University, Indonesia, A M Neutel, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, M van Noordwijk, et al.
• Managing below-ground interactions in agroecosystems, M E Rao, G Schroth, National Institute for Research in the Amazon, USA, S E Williams, et al.
• Managing movements of water, solutes and soil: from plot to landscape scale, S B L Ranieri, ICRAF, Bogor, Indonesia, R Stirzaker, CSIRO, Canberra, Australia, D Suprayogo, et al.
• Soil and water movement: combining local ecological knowledge with that of modellers when scaling up from plot to landscape level, L Joshi, W Schalenbourg, ICRAF, Indonesia, L Johansson, Uppsala, Sweden, et al.
• Challenges for the next decade of research on below-ground interactions in tropical agroecosystems: client-driven solutions at landscape scale, M van Noordwijk, G Cadisch and C K Ong