Methods in Ecological and Agricultural Entomology
Advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students in entomology and pest management.
Main Description
Entomology as a branch of biological science has undergone rapid expansion and development in recent decades. There have been major advances in the technologies associated with pest management and the ecological studies that underpin much of this work. Greater emphasis is now placed on topics such as modelling and biochemical techniques, with new approaches to the study of insect behaviour and insecticide efficacy making inroads into traditional approaches.
This book aims to integrate the new approaches and technologies with traditional and well-proven methods. It provides a critical analysis and evaluation of methods available, through reference to general principles, but emphasis is also placed on providing detailed descriptions of methods and their application. Written by leading authorities from the UK, USA and Australia, the book is aimed at advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students in entomology and pest management.
• "The book provides a balanced overview of established and new methodologies available to the ecologist. I can recommend this book to postgraduate and advanced undergraduate students and to anyone working in ecological entomology and pest management."
D P Giga, Crop Protection, Vol 17 (5), 1998
Main Contents
• Introduction M P Walton and D R Dent
• Sampling, handling and rearing insects P McEwen, School of Pure & Applied Biology, University of Wales, Cardiff, UK
• Methods in studying insect behaviour T D Wyatt, Department of Continuing Education, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
• Quantifying insect populations: Estimates and parameters D R Dent
• Techniques for quantifying insect migration D R Reynolds, J R Riley, N J Armes, R J Cooter, M R Tucker and J Colvin, Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, Kent, UK
• Evaluation of factors affecting host plant selection with an emphasis on studying behaviour S D Eigenbrode, Department of Plant, Soils and Entomological Sciences, University of Idaho, USA and E A Bernays, Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, The University of Arizona, Tuscon, USA
• Statistical aspects of field experiments J N Perry, Farmland Ecology Group, Department of Entomology and Nematology, Institute of Arable Crops Research, Harpenden, UK
• Injury, damage and threshold concepts J D Mumford, and J D Knight, Centre for Environmental Technology, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, Ascot, UK
• Techniques in the study of insect pollination S A Corbet, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK and J L Osborne, Department of Entomology and Nematology, Institute of Arable Crops Research, Harpenden, UK
• Techniques to evaluate insecticide efficacy G Matthews, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, Ascot, UK
• Techniques to evaluate the efficacy of natural enemies N Mills, Center for Biological Control, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, USA
• Biochemical and molecular techniques W O C Symondson and J Hemingway, School of Pure and Applied Biology, University of Wales, Cardiff, UK
• Modelling J Holt and R A Cheke, Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, Kent, UK