Seafood Ecolabelling
Author: Trevor Ward, Bruce Phillips
In recent years there have been some major developments and a greatly increased recognition of the importance of more sustainable and environmentally-friendly fishing and fish-farming methods. Various types of seafood eco-endorsements have been introduced, and these initiatives have now blossomed into an extensive range of types of product endorsement labels and systems.
This volume comprehensively reviews the current eco-endorsement systems for seafood products, described in four main sections with contributions by leading experts from around the globe:
• A full description of the background and history of ecolabels, ratings, guides and choice systems
• Seafood evaluation and certification, including issues of quality, costs and benefits
• Highly significant case studies in the use of ecolabels, including details of programs undertaken with species such as Pollock, Baja Red Spiny Lobster, and Patagonian Toothfish
• The future of sustainable seafood
Seafood Ecolabelling is an essential purchase for all those involved in fisheries and aquaculture management and product certification and ecolabelling throughout the world. Professionals including fishery scientists and managers, fish farm managers, marine biologists, environmental biologists, conservation biologists, ecologists, natural resource managers, civil society and sustainability governance practitioners, and resource and environmental economists will find this book to be extremely valuable. Professionals involved in the seafood trade, including those in production, packaging, reselling and seafood product labelling, will find a great deal of commercial interest within this book. Libraries in all universities and research establishments where biological sciences, food science and fisheries are studied and taught should have copies of this important book on their shelves.
Table of Contents
1 Ecolabelling of Seafood: The Basic Concepts.
Trevor J. Ward & Bruce Phillips.
2 The Economics of Ecolabelling.
Cathy A. Roheim.
3 FAO Guidelines for Ecolabelling in Wild Capture Fisheries.
Rolf Willmann, Kevern Cochrane & William Emerson.
4 The Marine Stewardship Council Programme.
Rupert Howes.
5 Aquaculture Certification.
Daniel Lee.
6 GLOBALGAP—Building Consumer Confidence in Aquaculture Sustainability.
Aldin Hilbrands.
7 Advancing the Global Marketplace for Sustainable Seafood: The Seafood Choices Alliance.
Michael Boots.
8 Developing an International Standard for the Trade in Live Reef Food Fish.
Geoffrey Muldoon & Peter Scott.
9 Market-Based Mechanisms - Improving Fisheries Management?.
Duncan Leadbitter.
10 Measuring the Success of Seafood Ecolabelling.
Trevor J. Ward.
11 Case Study 1: Toothfish - An MSC-Certified Fishery.
David Agnew.
12 Case Study 2: The Baja California, Mexico, Lobster Fishery.
Bruce Phillips, Luis Bourillón & Mario Ramade.
13 Case Study 3: MSC Certification of the Alaska Pollock Fishery.
Jim Gilmore.
14 The Marine Stewardship Council and Developing Countries.
Stefano Ponte.
15 Benefits of Certification for Small-scale Fisheries.
Meredith Lopuch.
16 New England Aquarium: Supporting Environmentally Responsible Seafood Choices.
Heather Tausig, Michael Tlusty, Lydia Bergen, Gregory Stone & Kathleen Szleper.
17 Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch Programme.
Jennifer Dianto Kemmerly.
18 The New Zealand Best Fish Guide.
Barry Weeber & Cath Wallace.
19 Guiding Australian Consumers to Sustainable Seafood Choices.
Craig Bohm.
20 Towards Sustainable Seafood: The Evolution of a Conservation Movement.
Michael Sutton & Laura Wimpee.
21 Anecdotes and Lessons of a Decade.
Trevor J. Ward & Bruce Phillips