The Pathology of Food and Pasture Legumes
Edited by D J Allen, formerly of the Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) Bean Program, Tanzania; J M Lennι, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), India
Pub Date: December 1997
768 pages
Plant pathologists, legume agronomists.
Main Description
The plant family Leguminosae is second in economic importance only to Gramineae, which includes the world's cereals and pasture grasses. Indeed, about one quarter of the total output of crop protein in the world as a whole is derived from legumes, which are of great importance both in human diets and in the feeding of livestock. Production is nevertheless limited by major diseases, and therefore there is a great need for a reference book on the pathology of food and pasture legumes.
This book fills that need and provides substantial critical reviews of each crop type. It is written by leading research workers from the USA, UK, India, Nigeria, Malawi, New Zealand, Syria and Uganda. The content is thus applicable to both the developed and the developing world, and to temperate and tropical zones. Well illustrated with both monochrome and colour plates, and thoroughly referenced to the research literature, it represents an indispensable volume for plant pathologists and legume agronomists.
Main Contents
• Disease as a Constraint to Production of Legumes In Agriculture, D J Allen and J M Lennι
• Diseases of Groundnut, D McDonald, D V R Reddy, S B Sharma, V K Mehan and P Subrahmanya
• Diseases of Soyabean, J B Sinclair
• Diseases of Common Bean, D J Allen, R A Buruchara and J B Smithson
• Diseases of Cowpea, D J Allen, G Thottappilly, A M Emechebe and B B Singh
• Diseases of Pea, J M Kraft, R C Larsen and D A Inglis
• Diseases of Faba Bean, G J Jellis, D A Bond and R E Boulton
• Diseases of Lentil, B Bayaa and W Erskine
• Diseases of Chickpea, M P Haware
• Diseases of Pigeonpea, M V Reddy, T N Raju and J M Lennι
• Diseases of Lupins, G D Hill
• Diseases of Clovers, P C Mercer
• Diseases of Tropical Pasture Legumes, J M Lennι
• Toward Improved Understanding and Management of Legume Diseases, J M Lennι and D J Allen
• Index