The Ecological History of European Forests
Ecologists, conservationists, landscape historians, foresters and geographers.
Main Description
Forest is the natural vegetation of most of Europe. Although the majority has been destroyed by human activity over the centuries, a considerable amount remains and has been managed to varying degrees and for a wide variety of reasons. This has resulted in a large number of natural and semi-natural landscapes and habitat types over the region and a high diversity of plant and animal communities adapted to them. The growing interest in natural history and the environment in recent years has resulted in a greater demand for information on the complex ecological history of European forest.
This book is unique in providing wide ranging and detailed case studies on specific aspects, including grazing, management practices and conservation and overviews, from recognised authorities, of the latest research on the ecological history of forests and woodland in Europe. It consists of selected papers given at an international conference of forest historians organised in association with the British Ecological Society and the International Union of Forest Research Organizations at Nottingham University in September 1996. Contributions come from the UK, Ireland, Scandinavia, the Low Countries, Germany, France, Spain, Italy and Turkey.
This book is essential reading for ecologists, conservationists, landscape historians, foresters and geographers. It will also be of interest to advanced students in these areas.
Main Contents
• Introduction - Historical Ecology and European Woodland, K Kirby and C Watkins
• Savanna in Europe, O Rackham
• Development and Dynamics of Agricultural Parks in West Africa, H J Sturm, J Wolfgang
• Pollard Meadows: Multiple Use of Human-Made Nature, C-A Hζggstrφm
• The Production of Fodder Trees in Valdagno, Vicenza, Italy, E Bargioni and S A Zanzi
• Wood Pasture in Dutch Common Woodlands and the Deforestation of the Dutch Landscape, J Dirkx
• Persistent Outcomes of Coppice Grazing in Rockingham Forest, Northamptonshire, UK, J A Best
• The Links Between Forest History and Biodiversity: The Invertebrate Fauna of Ancient Pasture Woodlands in the British Isles and its Conservation, K Alexander
• Interactions Between Humans and Woodland in Prehistoric and Medieval Drenthe (The Netherlands): An Interdisciplinary Approach, T Spek
• Forest History of the Dutch Province of Drenthe and its Ancient Woodlands: a survey, J van Laar
• Ecology and History of a Wooded Landscape in Southern Spain, T Maraρon, V Jurado and J F Ojeda
• Landscape Evolution on a Central Tuscan Estate Between the Eighteenth and Twentieth Centuries, M Agnoletti and M Paci
• An Insight into Past Climate via a Fossil Tree, M Inan
• What Were Woods Like in the Seventeenth Century? Examples from the Helmsley Estate, North-east Yorkshire, UK, R Gulliver
• Manx Woodland History and Vegetation, R Bohan
• The History of the Coniston Woodlands, Cumbria, UK, S Barker
• Historical Ecology and Post-medieval Management Practices in Alderwood (Alnus incana (L.) Moench) in the Northern Apennines, Italy, S Bertolotto, R Cevasco, D Moreno, G Poggi
• Habitat Alterations Caused by Long Term Changes in Forest Use in North Eastern Switzerland, M Bόrgi
• The Investigation of Long-term Successions in Temperate Woodland Using Fine Spatial Resolution Pollen Analysis, F Mitchell
• Ecological Changes in Bernwood Forest - Woodland Management During the Present Millennium, R Thomas
• Interpreting Present Vegetation Features by Landscape Historical Data: An Example from a Woodland Grassland Mosaic Landscape (Nagykoros Wood, Kiskunsαg, Hungary), Z Molnαr and M Birσ
• Researching Forest History to Underpin the Classification of Dutch Forest Ecosystems, R Wolf
• Historical Ecology of Woodlands in Flanders, G Tack
• Occurrence of Woodland Herbs in an Area Poor in Woodlands: NW-Zealand, Denmark, P M Petersen
• Distribution of Ancient Woodlands, Afforestations and Clearances in Relation to Quaternary Deposits and Soil Types in North Western Brandenburg (Germany) M Wulf
• Opportunities to Protect the Biodiversity of Ancient Woodland, S-A Bailey, R Haines-Young and C Watkins
• The Ancient Woodland Inventory in England and its Uses, K Kirby, C Reid and R Thomas