Woodland Cultures in Time and Space
tales from the past, messages for the future
The Editorial Panel
Notes on Contributors
1 Woodland Cultures in Time and Space: Introduction
Eirini Saratsi & Charles Watkins
Conflicting Cultures in Woodland Management
2 Forest Management and Cultural Identity: Conflicts and Agreements in the Alpine Region of Europe
Elisabeth Johann
3 What was Wrong with the Selection System? The Conflict between Traditional Knowledge and Scientific Forest Management in Finland in the 1930s and 1940s
Harri Siiskonen
4 The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Forests and Woodland Management in India’s Conflicting Cultures
Klaus Seeland & Franz Schmithuesen
5 Conflicting Management Cultures: an Historical Account of Woodland Management in Greece during the 19th and 20th Centuries
Eirini Saratsi
6 'Clean” Forests? Forestry, Diversity and Landscapes in France: a Geo-historical Perspective
Xavier Rochel
7 Sylviculture vs. Customary Culture: Campaigns against Timber Enclosures in the Eighteenth-Century New Forest
Carl J. Griffin
8 Charcoal Makers in Bohemia: From Privileged Craftsmen to Strange Forest Dwellers
Jiří Woitsch
9 A Polish Forest Village in Istanbul
Cihan Erdφnmez & Seηil Yurdakul Erol
Environmental History of Cultural Landscapes
10 Tracing Forest History in Periods of Military Conflicts: Medieval Cretan Timber from the Perspective of the Arab-Byzantine Rivalry
Constantin Canavas
11 Destructive Anthropogenic Processes on Forest Ecosystems on Mount Vitosha, Bulgaria since Post-medieval Times
Roman V. Efremov
12 'Red Gold”: Development and Crisis of the Forest Exploitation in Gran Chaco, Argentina in the 20th Century
Adriαn Gustavo Zarrilli
13 Ecosystem, Economy, Culture in US South: from Longleaf to Loblolly
Yaoqi Zhang & Indrajit Majumdar
14 Using the Past to Inform the Future of Scottish Woods and Forests
Mairi J Stewart
15 Ancient Trees as Indicators of Agroforestry Systems – Three Case Studies from Northern Greece
Anna Sidiropoulou & Ioannis Ispikoudis
Successions in Woodland Landscapes
16 Microanalysis in Woodland Historical Ecology: the Example of Leaf Fodder Production in the Ligurian Apennines (Italy)
Roberta Cevasco & Chiara Molinari
17 Effects of the Shift from Coppice to High Forest in English Woods on the Woodland Flora
Keith J. Kirby
18 An Overview of Palynological Evidence for Human Influences on Forest Vegetation in Greece
Achilles Gearsimidis
19 Post-fire Vegetation Succession in Pinus nigra Reforested Stands (Taxiarchis-Chalkidiki, NE Greece)
Eleni Eleftheriadou, Konstantinos Theodoropoulos & Panayotis Dimopoulos
20 Indicator Value of Lichens and Mosses for Land Use History in Mountainous Ancient Woodlands
Melanie Manegold, Helena Pfab & Arno Bogenrieder
21 Habitat Related Aspects of the Ecology of Black Alder [Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.] Forests Differing in their Management History (Ancient and Post-agricultural ones) in south-western Poland
Anna Orczewska
22 Effects of Ailanthus altissima Spreading into Forest Vegetation
Georgios Fotiadis, Ioannis Fragakis & Apostolos Kyriazopoulos
Cultural Histories of Trees and Woods
23 English (and Welsh) Woodlands in Folklore and Legend: ‘Dark Forest’ or ‘Merrie Greenwood’?
Della Hooke
24 Intangible Aspects of Tree Heritage: a Case Study of the ‘Bent Fir Tree’ in Udin Boršt Forest, Slovenia
Mateja Šmid Hribar
25 Secular and Sacred Trees: Perceptions of Trees in Zagori (Pindos Mountain, Epirus, Greece)
Kalliopi Stara, Rigas Tsiakiris & Jenny Wong
26 History and Current Distribution of Valonia Oak in Greece
Anastasia Pantera, Georgios Fotiadis & Efstratios Aidinidis
27 Transculturation of Trees and Shrubs: the Introduction of Aucuba japonica and Larix leptolepis in Britain, 1700 - 1920
Setsu Tachibana & Charles Watkins
28 The Role of Tree Collections and Arboreta in Nineteenth Century English Forestry
Charles Watkins, Paul Elliott & Stephen Daniels
29 ‘Seo Nang-Dang’ Village Shrines in Korean Forests – Past, Present and Future Prospects
Ki Weon Kim
30 Relationship between Forest Vegetation, Wooden Structures and Items of Old Churches in Eratira, Kozani, Greece
Elias V. Voulgaridis & Zissoula Dassiou
Traditional Knowledge in Woodland Cultures
31 Preserving Traditional Knowledge of Forest Uses – an Oral History Study in the Schδchental, Canton of Uri, Switzerland
Matthias Bόrgi, Susan Lock & Martin Stuber
32 Changes of Land Use and Vegetation in Satoyama Landscape of Tango Peninsula, Kyoto, Japan: Where are they Bound for?
Katsue Fukamachi, Hirokazu Oku & Iwao Miyoshi
33 Traditional Farmhouses as Sources for Land Use History – a Case Study from the Satoyama Landscape in Japan
Hirokazu Oku, Nahoko Ogawa, Mio Horiuchi & Katsue Fukamachi
34 The Cultural Landscape of Pomaks in South Eastern Rodopi, Thrace, Greece
Maria K. Sioliou & Ioannis Ispikoudis
35 Socio-ecological Heritage as a Main Value to Protect Mont-rodon Area in Matadepera (NE Spain)
Gemma Estany, Iago Otero, Roser Maneja, Anna Badia & Martν Boada
36 Cultural Heritage Objects in Relation to Land Use Epochs during 20th Century: Results from an Inventory in NW Estonia
Jόrgen Kusmin, Lembitu Tarang, Vaike Pommer, Mart Kόlvik & Triin Neljandik
Planning and Monitoring Woodland Landscapes
37 Land Use Changes in the Greek Woodlands
Ioannis Spanos, Petros Ganatsas, Ioannis Meliadis & Marianthi Tsakaldimi
38 Visitors’ Attitudes towards Hypothetical Hoop Pine Plantations on the Pastoral Southern Atherton Tablelands, Australia
Jungho Suh, Robert Lwanga, Steve Harrison & John Herbohn
39 Expansion of Brown Bear Range in the Course of Rural Abandonment during the 20th Century – a Case Study from the Pindos Mountain Range (Greece)
Georgios Mertzanis, Georgios Korakis, Konstantinos Tsiokanos & Elias Aravidis
40 Identifying Optimal Locations for Native Woodland Expansion and Restoration: a Case Study of the Snowdonia National Park (UK)
Anthi Gkaraveli, Jeremy H. Williams & Antonios N. Papadopoulos
41 Temporal Evolution of Forest Landscapes in Relation to Socioeconomic Changes: the Case of Hortiatis Watershed in Greece
Dimitrios Chouvardas, Christakis Evangelou, Perry Kourakly, Ioannis Ispikoudis & Vasilios P. Papanastasis
42 Market Research of Imported Processed Truffles in Thessaloniki
Vaia Tsitsipati & Athanasios Christodoulou
43 Assessing Profitability of Carob Tree Cultivation under an EU Programme in the Prefecture of Dodecanese, Greece
Karolos Voulgaris & Athanasios Christodoulou