Backyard Poultry Keeping is aimed at all those interested in small-scale poultry keeping and, despite having only a small amount of space at their disposal, want to raise poultry on a non-commercial basis.
It covers every sort of domestic fowl, ranging from the smallest of bantams to the tallest of geese and from the lightest of egg-laying utility breeds to the heaviest turkeys. Even the more unusual types are not forgotten, quail, for example, begin laying at six weeks of age and provide a meat carcass by twelve weeks, thereby supplying hard-boiled eggs for a salad and an impressive main course for dinner guests.
Topics covered: Explains how to get started, choose the right birds and obtain correct stock Considers the financial costs, budgets and record keeping Examines housing, feeding, breeding, hatching and rearing, and health and hygiene Discusses egg production, killing birds for the table and the legalities of selling to the public