Advances in Fresh-Cut Fruits and Vegetables Processing
• Provides thorough, up-to-date coverage of all the major aspects related to fresh-cut fruit and vegetable processing
• Includes extensive coverage on process design, with detailed information about requirements for plants and equipment
• Discusses regulatory issues affecting both safety and technological aspects
• Explains scientific factors affecting sensory quality and consumer perceptions
• Describes the effects of different compounds such as antioxidants, texturizers, and flavoring, that can be used as additives to extend shelf life
Despite a worldwide increase in demand for fresh-cut fruit and vegetables, in many countries these products are prepared in uncontrolled conditions and have the potential to pose substantial risk for consumers. Correspondingly, researchers have ramped up efforts to provide adequate technologies and practices to assure product safety while keeping nutritional and sensory properties intact. With contributions from experts from industry, research centers, and academia, Advances in Fresh-Cut Fruits and Vegetables Processing collates and presents new scientific data in a comprehensive update on technologies and marketing considerations.
Taking a multidisciplinary approach, this work discusses the basics and recent innovations in fresh-cut fruit and vegetable processing. It addresses scientific progress in the fresh-cut area and discusses the industry and the market for these commodities. The book covers the regulations that affect the quality of the final products and their processing as well as consumers’ attitude and sensory perceptions. The chapters cover the design of plants and equipment, taking into account engineering aspects, safety, and HACCP guidelines. They also examine innovations in creating healthy and attractive products.
Use of innovative packaging technology that could improve product quality and shelf life, new fruit mixtures with more variety, incorporation of flavors, or the use of steamer bags for vegetables are just a few considerations that could expand the markets of fresh-cut products. With its focus on science, including biochemical, physiological, microbiological, and quality aspects, as well as heath considerations and consumer science, this book reports on cutting-edge advances and the practical applications of these advances.
The Fresh-Cut Fruit and Vegetables Industry: Current Situation and Market Trends, M.A. Rojas-Graü, E. Garner, and O. Martín-Belloso
Regulatory Issues Concerning the Production of Fresh-Cut Fruits and Vegetables, M. van der Velde
Microbiological and Safety Aspects of Fresh-Cut Fruits and Vegetables, P. Ragaert, L. Jacxsens, I. Vandekinderen, L. Baert, and F. Devlieghere
Physiology of Fresh-Cut Fruits and Vegetables, E.A. Baldwin and J. Bai
Factors Affecting Sensory Quality of Fresh-Cut Produce, J.C. Beaulieu
Nutritional and Health Aspects of Fresh Cut Vegetables, B. De Ancos, C. Sanchez Moreno, L. Plaza, and M. Pilar Cano
Fruits and Vegetables for the Fresh-Cut Processing Industry, M. Montero-Calderón and M. Milagro Cerdas-Araya
Treatments to Assure Safety of Fresh-Cut Fruits and Vegetables, M.I. Gil, A. Allende, and M.V. Selma
Use of Additives to Preserve the Quality of Fresh-Cut Fruits and Vegetables, J.F. Ayala-Zavala and G.A. González-Aguilar
Modified Atmosphere Packaging of Fruits and Vegetables: Modeling Approach, C. Guillaume, V. Guillard, and N. Gontard
Use of Edible Coatings for Fresh-Cut Fruits and Vegetables, M.A. Rojas-Graü, R. Soliva Fortuny, and O. Martín-Belloso
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point and Hygiene Considerations for the Fresh-Cut Produce Industry, P. McClure
Process Design, Facility, and Equipment Requirements, A. Turatti
Quality Assurance of Fresh-Cut Commodities, J.M. Garrido
Future Trends in Fresh-Cut Fruit and Vegetable Processing, G. Oms-Oliu and R. Soliva-Fortuny