The Dictionary of Forestry
Edited by J A Helms, University of California at Berkeley, USA
Pub Date: October 1998
224 pages
Main Description
This dictionary includes more than 4,500 terms and is published jointly by CAB INTERNATIONAL and the Society of American Foresters. It replaces the 1971 Terminology of Forest Science, Technology, Practice, and Products edited by F.C. Ford-Robertson under the authorization of the Joint FAO/IUFRO Committee on Forest Bibliography and Terminology. Since 1971, there have been substantial changes in the forestry profession - from a focus on multiple use and sustained yield of forest products to a broader, more complex context of sustaining diverse forest uses and values. These changes have modified the use of existing terms, introduced new terms, and created the need for an up-to-date dictionary that permits consistent use of professional language.
The dictionary was compiled with input from the SAF's Forest Science and Technology board and members of its 29 working groups. The publication was extensively reviewed by forestry experts, who endorsed the dictionary for its contribution to the forestry profession and usefulness to all those interested and involved in forestry. It will help students, professionals, and the public - all those interested in the science, management, and conservation of forests - communicate technically with precision, clarity, and consistency.
(All orders for this title from North and Central America should be sent to the Society of American Foresters, 5400 Grosvenor Lane, Bethesda MD 20814, USA)
"The Dictionary of Forestry is an invaluable reference for researchers and teachers in forestry and allied fields and for anyone writing on matters related to forestry. It will alleviate the all-too-often loose, inconsistent, and incorrect usage of technical terms."
Robert O Curtis, Emeritus Scientist, PNW Research Station, USDA Forest Service
"Using the correct terminology is essential for the serious forestry professional, and this dictionary is the definitive source. Forestry students will find the Dictionary easy to navigate and full of terms they need to learn."
Rick Fletcher, Extension Forester and Professor, Oregon State University
"This is a book every forester and every forestry student should have handy, especially to reference contemporary words that have crept into the lexicon but are used without precision."
Ross Whaley, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
"I highly recommend the Dictionary to attorneys and others who need to ensure that their use of terms conforms to accepted professional forestry usage."
Ann Forest Burns, Attorney, Seattle, Washington
"This is an impressive document that covers all of the increasingly complex areas of forestry and forest use in today's society, ranging from urban forestry to genetics to GIS."
James E Brown, State Forester, Oregon
"A single source for the terminology of various forestry subdisciplines will be invaluable to forestry consultants, who regularly must integrate all aspects of forestry to meet client needs."
Samuel J Radcliffe, President, George Banzhaf & Company