Apples: Botany, Production and Uses
Horticulturists, researchers in botany
Key Features
• Includes 39 research scientists from 8 countries to summarize the current information on apples
• The most comprehensive international scientific volume on the subject
Main Description
This book provides a comprehensive reference work, summarising our knowledge of apples and their production worldwide. It includes 24 chapters written by international authorities from the USA, Canada, Europe and New Zealand. The main subjects addressed include taxonomy and production statistics, plant materials, apple physiology, orchard and tree management, crop protection (including organic production), harvesting and handling and utilization. The book will be of significant interest to those working in horticulture and botany.
• "It is an excellent publication for extension personnnel, horticultural students, and professional apple producers."
Jerome Hull, Jr, HortScience, Vol 39(1), Feb 2004
Main Contents
159 colour plates; 119 line figures; 21 halftones
Part I: Introduction
• Taxonomic classification and brief history, J L Luby, University of Minnesota, SA
• World production, trade, consumption and economic outlook for apples, D O'Rourke, Belrose Inc, Pullman, WA, USA
Part II: Plant Materials
• Genetic improvement of apple: Breeding, markers, mapping, and biotechnology, S K Brown and K E Maloney, Cornell University, USA
• Characteristics of important commercial apple cultivars, C R Hampson, Pacific Agri-Food Research Center, Canada and H Kemp, Applied Plant Research, The Netherlands
• Apple rootstocks, A D Webster, Horticultural Research International, Kent, UK and S J Wertheim, Fruit Research Station, The Netherlands
• Propagation and nursery tree quality, S J Wertheim, Fruit Research Station, The Netherlands and A D Webster, Horticultural Research International, Kent, UK
Part III: Apple Physiology and Environmental Influences
• Flowering, pollination and fruit set and development, F Dennis, Jr. Michigan State University, USA
• Water relations of apples, A N Lakso, Cornell University, USA
• Light relations, L Corelli Grappadelli, University of Bologna, Italy
• Temperature, J W Palmer, Nelson Research Centre, New Zealand, J-P Prive, Agriculture and Agri-Food, Canada and D S Tustin, Nelson Research Centre, New Zealand
Part IV: Orchard and Tree Management
• Selecting the orchard site, site preparation, orchard planning and establishment, J A Barden, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, USA
• Nutritional requirements of apple, G H Neilsen and D Neilsen, Pacific Agri-Food Research, Canada
• Orchard floor management systems, I A Merwin, Cornell University, USA
• Pruning and training physiology, D C Ferree and J R Schupp, New York State Agricultural Experimental Station, USA
• Apple orchard planting systems, T L Robinson, Cornell University, USA
• Flower and fruit thinning and vegetative: fruiting balance, R E Byers, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA
• Endogenous hormone and bioregulator use on apples, D W Greene, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Part V: Crop Protection
• Diseases of apple, K C Eastwell, G G Grove, Washington State University, USA, A L Jones, Michigan State University, USA and T B Sutton, North Carolina State University, USA
• Ecology and management of apple arthropod pests, E H Beers, Washington State University, USA, D M Suckling, Horticulture Food and Research Institute, New Zealand, R J Prokopy, University of Massachusetts, USA and J Avilla, University of Lleida, Spain
• Apple orchard freeze protection, S D Seeley and J L Anderson, Utah State University, USA
• Integrated fruit production for apples - Principles and guidelines, J Avilla, University of Lleida, Spain and H Riedl, Oregon State University, USA
• Organic apple production - With emphasis on European experiences, F Weibel and A Hδseli, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Switzerland
Part VI: Harvesting, Handling and Utilization
• Principles and practices of postharvest handling and stress, C B Watkins, Cornell University, USA
• Production and handling techniques for processing apples, R M Crassweller and G M Greene, Pennsylvania State University, USA