Foliage Plant Diseases: Diagnosis and Control
� excellent source of information about the problems of foliage plants, specifically for diseases caused by pathogens...valuable to academic or special libraries that serve horticulturalists, landscape architects, or plant pathologists." -- Journal of Agricultural and Food Information
This handbook is the most comprehensive single source available for information on foliage plant health. It guides readers through every aspect of recognizing and solving most problems of this important ornamental group with over 400 color photographs, expert management advice, and extensive general reference. Features include reliable strategies for controlling the diseases and disorders of 75 foliage plant genera, tables of phytotoxicity and cultivar sensitivity that list options for non-chemical, chemical, biological, and integrated disease control, and literature reviews that summarize current knowledge of foliage plant problems.
This handbook is conveniently organized with all the problems that affect a single plant genera grouped in the same section. Information on each problem includes a description of symptoms, an explanation of possible causes, and management recommendations. The color photographs give readers a quick way to recognize unfamiliar problems. Plant genera with similar or related problems are grouped together to help readers recognize patterns of problems across multiple genera. Readers at every level will appreciate the author's clear, straightforward writing style.
Designed for use throughout the green industry, this book is a valuable resource for greenhouse growers, nursery managers, florists and florist suppliers, ornamental plant producers, horticulturists, interiorscapers, extension specialists, consultants, diagnosticians, master gardeners, students, and researchers. It will aid professionals working in every situation from a large-scale nursery to the interior plantscape of a hotel or shopping mall.
Introductions; Symptoms and Diagnosis; Disease Development; Aeschynanthus; Aglaonema; Anthurium; Aphelandra; Araucaria; Arecaceae; Begonia; Bromeliaceae; Cactaceae and Succulents; Caladium; Calathea; Chlorophytum; Cissus; Codiaeum; Coleus; Columnea; Cordyline; Dieffenbachia; Dionaea; Dracaena; Epipremnum; Episcia; Euphorbia; Ficus; Fittonia; Hedera; Hoya; Leea; Maranta; Pellionia and Pilea; Peperomia; Pjilodendron; Plectranthus; Polyscias and Related Plants; Radermachera; Rhoeo; Saintpaulia; Sansevieria; Schefflera; Spathiphyllum; Syngonium; Tolmeia; Tradescantia; Xanthosoma; Yucca; Glossary; Color Figures; Index