Global Rangelands: Progress and Prospects
by A C Grice, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Australia; K C Hodgkinson, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Australia
Pub Date: July 2002
320 pages
Ecologists, those interested in rangelands, economists and social scientists
Key Features
• Developed from the VI International Rangeland Congress on 'People and Rangelands: Building the Future' held in July 1999 in Townsville, Australia.
• Covers all key subject areas and represents the most up-to-date description of the state of the art in global rangelands.
• Acts as an important 'snapshot in time' of the global rangeland position.
Main Description
Although traditionally defined as areas where natural vegetation is exploited for grazing by domestic and native herbivores, rangelands are used by many different people, for a host of purposes. As well as livestock products, rangelands provide fuels, minerals and water and are used for ecotourism, recreation, nature conservation and as carbon sinks. More than half of the earth's land surface is rangeland and millions of people, both within and outside the rangelands, depend on them.
This book addresses the important issues confronting the rangelands and presents new concepts and approaches for the management of rangeland resources. It is relevant to the people who live in or depend on the rangelands, and to the institutions and organisations that support them.
• "As a state-of-the-art account of where rangeland science is at present, this is a useful source of information."
Bulletin of the British Ecological Society 2003
Main Contents
• Challenges for Rangeland People, A C Grice and K C Hodgkinson
• Future Shocks to People and Rangelands, S M Howden, B Foran, CSIRO, Australia and R Behnke, Overseas Development Institute, UK
• Indigenous People in Rangelands, G Griffin, CSIRO, Australia
• Rangelands: People, Perceptions and Perspectives, D Mills, Ennisclare, Australia, R Blench, Overseas Development Institute, UK, B Gillam, USDA-Forest Service, USA, M Martin, G Fitzhardinge, Mandurama, Australia, J Davies, University of Adelaide, Australia, S Campbell, Norwood, Australia and L Woodhams
• Desertification and Soil Processes in Rangelands, D Tongway, CSIRO, Australia and W Whitford, US Environmental Protection Agency, USA
• Understanding and Managing Rangeland Plant Communities, S Archer, Texas A&M University, USA and A Bowman, New South Wales Agriculture, Australia
• Range Management and Plant Functional Types, S Diaz, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina, D D Briske, Texas A&M University, USA and S McIntyre, CSIRO, Australia
• People and Plant Invasions of the Rangelands, M Lonsdale, CSIRO, Australia and S Milton, Faculty of Forestry, South Africa
• People and Rangeland Biodiversity, D M J S Bowman, Northern Territory University, Australia
• Managing Grazing, M Quirk, Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Australia
• Rehabilitation of Mined Surfaces, G E Schuman, USDA, High Plains Grasslands Research Station, USA and E F Redente, Colorado State University, USA
• Accounting for Rangeland Resources, P E Novelly, Agriculture Western Australia, Australia and E L amar Smith, University of Arizona, USA
• Building on History, Sending Agents into the Future - Rangeland Modelling, Retrospect and Prospect, T J P Lynam, University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe, M Stafford Smith, CSIRO, Australia and W J Parton, Colorado State University, USA
• Integrating Management of Land and Water Resources: the Social, Economic and Environmental Consequences of Tree Management in Rangelands, T Hatton, CSIRO, Australia
• Land and Water Management: Lessons from a Project on Desertification in the Middle East, S Christiansen, USDA, Office of International Research Programs, USA
• International Perspectives on the Rangelands, W Bayer , Free-land Pasture Management, Germany, and P Sloane, Sloane Cook and King Pty Ltd, Australia
• Policies, Planning and Institutions for Sustainable Resource Use: a Participatory Approach, N Abel, CSIRO, Australia, M Gachugu, ANUTECH, Australia, A Langston, CSIRO, Australia, D Freudenberger, CSIRO, Australia, M Howden, and S Marsden, CSIRO, Australia
• Economics and Ecology: Working Together for Better Policy, N Milham, New South Wales Agriculture, Australia
• Building the Future: Practical Challenges, J Kotsokoane, Maseru, South Africa
• Rangeland Livelihoods in the 21st Century, B Walker, CSIRO, Australia
• Building the Future: a Human Development Perspective, C D Freudenberger, Claremont, California, USA
• Synthesis: New Visions and Prospects for Rangelands, K C Hodgkinson, R B Hacker, New South Wales Agriculture, Australia and A C Grice