European Woods and Forests: Studies in Cultural History
Edited by C Watkins, Department of Geography, University of Nottingham, UK
Pub Date: July 1998
256 pages
Landscape historians, geographers, foresters, ecologists, conservationists.
Main Description
Woods and forests were the principal source of fuel in Europe for many hundreds of years. In addition, they were crucially important as a source of construction material for a wide range of domestic, agricultural, industrial and military artifacts. Moreover, they were used for grazing, cultivation and hunting. Consequently, the varied landscapes of today are often a result of past management policies which were closely linked to important events and cultural developments in human history. This book is a valuable source of information for historians and conservationists who wish to preserve our cultural heritage.
This book is an interdisciplinary work which draws on selected papers presented at an international conference of forest historians organised at The University of Nottingham in September 1996 in association with the British Ecological Society and the International Union of Forest Research Organizations. In it, historians, geographers and foresters who are leading authorities explore recent developments in the study of the cultural history of European forests in a wide selection of case studies from Scotland, Central England, Spain, Germany and Israel. The book concludes with a theoretical consideration of the concept of ancient woodland. It represents essential reading for landscape historians, geographers, foresters, ecologists, conservationists and land managers with an interest in European forests and is also a useful source for advanced students of these disciplines.
Main Contents
• Introduction
• The Word ‘Forst/forest’ as Indicators of Fiscal Property and Possible Consequences for the History of Western European Forests, R Kiess, Stuttgart, Germany
• Medieval Forests and Parks in Southern and Central England, D Hooke, Birmingham, UK
• Royal Forests in England and their Income in the Budget of the Feudal Monarchy, from the Mid Twelfth to the Early Thirteenth Centuries, Y J Serovayskaya, Karaganda State University, Karagandaiz, Kazakhstan
• English Cathedrals as Sources for Woodland and Forest History, G Simpson, University of Nottingham, UK
• The Rise, Decline and Extinction of Spring Wood Management in South-west Yorkshire, M Jones, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
• The Continuous Conflict Between Sustainable Management Regulations and Over Utilization of Woodland Caused by Local Demands in Austria from the Thirteenth Century Onwards, E Johann, Universitat Freiburg, Austria
• An Ecological Revolution: The ’Schlagwaldwirtschaft’ in the West of Germany in the 18th and 19th Century, C Ernst, Universitat Trier, Germany
• “A Solemn and Gloomy Umbrage”: Changing Interpretations of the Ancient Oaks of Sherwood Forest in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, C Watkins
• Landed Estates, the ‘Spirit of Planting’ and Woodland Management in Later Georgian Britain: a Case Study from the Dukeries, Nottinghamshire, S Seymour
• Need Versus Greed? Attitudes to Woodland Management on a Central Scottish Highland Estate 1630-1740, F Watson, University of Striling, UK
• Woodland Management and Timber Supply for Ship Masts in Eighteenth Century Western Liguria (Italy), P Gaudenzio, and F Cicliot, Italy
• Afforestation Policy of the Zionist Movement in Palestine 1895-1948, N Liphschitz, and G Biger, Tel Aviv University, Israel
• The Expansion of the Forest and the Defence of Nature: the Work of Forest Engineers in Spain 1900-1936, E R Boquette, Madrid, Spain
• The Promotion of Participation in Planning for Soil and Water Conservation Through Reforestation: a Case Study of Guadalajara (Spain), J D Garcia Perez, University of Central Lancashire, UK
• Making the Invisible Visible: Ancient Woodlands, British Forestry Policy and the Social Construction of Reality, J Gerber, University of Nottingham, UK
• References
• Index