Crop Physiology
Applications for Genetic Improvement and Agronomy
Contemporary agriculture confronts the challenge of increasing demand in terms of quantitative and qualitative production targets. These targets have to be achieved against the background of soil and water scarcity, world-wide and regional shifts in the patterns of land use driven by both climate change and the need to develop crop-based sources of energy, and the environmental and social aspects of agricultural sustainability. Hence, this book compiles a multi-authored perspective on the ways in which crop physiology could be integrated with other disciplines. With a focus on genetic improvement and agronomy, this book addresses the challenges of environmentally sound production of bulk and quality food, fodder, fibre and energy which will be faced over the next decade.
Table of Contents
1. Sustainable Agriculture and Crop Physiology
Victor Sadras, Daniel Calderini and David Connor
Part 1 –Farming Systems: Case Studies
2. Farming Systems of Australia: Exploiting the Synergy between Genetic Improvement and Agronomy
Ralph A. Fischer
3. Farming Systems of Argentina: Yield Constraints and Risk Management
Pablo Calviño and Juan Monzon
4. Improving Farming Systems in Northern European Conditions
Pirjo Peltonen-Sainio, Ari Rajala, Hannu Känkänen and Kaija Hakala
5. Cereal-based Cropping Systems in Asia: Nutrition and Disease Management
Ram C. Sharma
Part 2 - Capture and Efficiency in the Use of Resources: Quantitative Frameworks
6. Improving Productivity to Face Water Scarcity in Irrigated Agriculture
Elias Fereres and Victoria González-Dugo
7. Crop Radiation Capture and Use Efficiency: A Framework for Crop Growth Analysis
Claudio O. Stöckle and Armen R. Kemanian
8. Quantifying Crop Responses to Nitrogen Deficiency and Avenues to Improve Nitrogen-use Efficiency
Gilles Lemaire and François Gastal
Part 3 – Crop physiology, Genetic Improvement, and Agronomy
9. Darwinian Agriculture: Real, Imaginary and Complex Trade-offs as Constraints and Opportunities
R. Ford Denison
10. Modelling Crop Improvement in a G x E x M Framework via Gene-trait-phenotype Relationships
Carlos Messina, Graeme Hammer, Zhanshan Dong, Dean Podlich and Mark Cooper
11. Integration of Biotechnology, Plant Breeding and Crop Physiology: Dealing with Complex Interactions from a Physiological Perspective
Fernando H. Andrade, Rodrigo G. Sala, Ana C. Pontaroli and Alberto León
12. Crop Development: Genetic Control, Environmental Modulation and Relevance for Genetic Improvement of Crop Yield
Gustavo Slafer, Adriana Kantolic, Maria Appendino, Daniel Miralles, and Roxana Savin
13. Crop Roots Systems Form and Function: Improving the Capture of Water and Nutrients with Vigorous Root Systems
Jairo Palta and Michelle Watt
14. Integrated Views in Plant Breeding: Modern Approaches for an Old Topic
Grazia M. Borrelli, Pasquale De Vita, Anna M. Mastrangelo, and Luigi Cattivelli
15. Genetic Improvement of Grain Crops: Yield Potential
M. John Foulkes, Matthew P. Reynolds, and Roger Sylvester-Bradley
16. Management and Breeding Strategies for the Improvement of Grain and Oil Quality
Luis Aguirrezábal, Pierre Martre, Gustavo Pereyra-Irujo, Natalia Izquierdo, and Vincent Allard
17. Dynamics of Crop-Pathogen Interactions: From Gene to Continental Scale
Robert F. Park, Michael Ayliffe, Jeremy J. Burdon, and David Guest
18. Improving Crop Competitiveness with Weeds: Adaptations and Tradeoffs
Glenn K. McDonald and Gurjeet S. Gill
19. Dynamic and Functional Monitoring Technologies for Applications in Crop Management
Daniel Rodriguez, Andrew J. Robson, and Robert Belford
20. Crop Physiology, Modelling and Climate Change: Impact and Adaptation Strategies
Senthold Asseng, Weixing Cao, Weijian Zhang and Fulco Ludwig
21. Whither Crop Physiology?
Antonio Hall and Victor Sadras