Compendium of Tomato Diseases
Twenty-five experts present the most up-to-date advice on identifying, preventing, and controlling tomato diseases.
Introduction; Tomato Diseases; Parasitic Diseases, Nonparasitic Diseases; Botany and Culture; Seed Production, Field Transplant, Containerized Transplant Production, Cultural Practices; Part 1: Infectious Diseases; Diseases Caused by Fungi; Alternaria Stem Canker (Black Mold), Anthracnose, Black Root Rot, Buckeye Rot and Phytophthora Root Rot, Cercospora Leaf Mold, Charcoal Rot, Corky Root Rot, Didymella Stem Rot, Early Blight, Fusarium Crown and Root Rot, Fusarium Wilt, Gray Leaf Spot, Gray Mold, Late Blight, Leaf Mold, Phoma Rot, Powdery Mildew, Pythium Diseases, Rhizoctonia Diseases, Septoria Leaf Spot, Southern Blight, Target Spot, Verticillium Wilt, White Mold; Diseases Caused by Bacteria; Bacterial Canker, Bacterial Speck, Bacterial Spot, Bacterial Stem Rot, Bacterial Wilt, Syringae Leaf Spot, Tomato Pith Necrosis; Diseases Caused by Viruses;Alfalfa Mosaic, Cucumber Mosaic, Curly Top, Potato Virus Y, Tobacco Etch, Tomato Bushy Stunt, Tomato Mosaic and Tobacco Mosaic, Tomato Spotted Wilt, Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl, Tomato Yellow Top; Minor Diseases Caused by Viruses; Diseases Caused by Viroids; Diseases Caused by Mycoplasmalike Organisms; Aster Yellows, Tomato Big Bud; Postharvest Diseases and Disorders of Tomato Fruit; Postharvest Losses, Bacterial Soft Rot, Sour Rot, Rhizopus Rot, Black Mold Rot, Gray Mold Rot, Predisposition to Postharvest Diseases, Control of Postharvest Diseases; Diseases Caused by Nematodes; Root-Knot Nematodes; Ectoparasites; Sting Nematode, Stubby-Root Nematodes, Other Nematodes, Nematodes as Vectors of Disease, Nematode Management; Part 2: Noninfectious Diseases; Diseases and Damage Caused by Arthropods: Mites; Spider Mites, Tomato Russet Mite; Insects; Aphids, Whiteflies, Thrips, True Bugs; Physiological Diseases; Blossom Drop, Blossom-End Rot, Catface, Chilling Injury, Growth Cracks, Internal White Tissue, Puffiness, Rain Check, Spider Track, Sunscald, Water Wilt, Yellow Shoulder (Yellow Top, Persistent Green Shoulder), Zippering; Herbicide Damage; Nutritional Diseases; Genetic Diseases; Part 3: Diseases of Undetermined Etiology; Graywall, Black Shoulder; Glossary; Index; Color