Compendium of Cucurbit Diseases and Pests, Second Edition
Wherever your cucurbits are grown, the new Compendium of Cucurbit Diseases and Pests, Second Edition provides the latest pest management and diagnostic information to suppress diseases of all cultivated cucurbits plus major insect pests and abiotic disorders affecting your crops.
This revised and greatly expanded compendium is packed with new offerings, including:
• Updated images and management recommendations for established diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses, and human pathogens
• Detailed descriptions, images, and management recommendations for newly discovered diseases
• Coverage of insect/mite pest damage and management
• Cultural management practices that both conventional and organic producers can apply to their crops
• Useful information on noninfectious disorders, such as air pollution, herbicide injury, temperature stress and more
• Topical discussions on foodborne pathogens, cucurbit nutrition, seed health testing, postharvest handling, and more
• Tables summarizing diagnostic information for foliar diseases, vine declines, and fruit rots, allowing users to diagnose plant diseases that have similar symptoms
• More than 320 stunning images that capture all manner of cucurbit pests in detail, allowing for more accurate diagnosis of your issues
The Compendium of Cucurbit Diseases and Pests, Second Edition remains international in scope and practical in its emphasis. Each section is written by experts throughout the world and edited by a team of three editors who have a combined 98 years of experience. It will be valuable tool for a wide range of readers in both the cucurbit industry and academia, including crop consultants, pest control advisors, extension agents and specialists, seed and field sales personnel, diagnosticians, and graduate students.