Collecting Plant Genetic Diversity: Technical Guidelines
Edited by L Guarino, International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Australia; V R Rao, International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Australia; R Reid, Department of Primary Industry, Australia
750 pages
Collectors and those with a general interest in plant genetics, breeding and biodiversity
Main Description
The case for conserving biodiversity is well established on economic as well as scientific grounds. Biodiversity is essential for sustainable development, adaptation to a changing environment and the continued functioning of the biosphere - indeed, to human survival itself. Plant breeders are dependent upon the availability of a large pool of diverse genetic material represented by local races and wild relatives, since in themselves modern crop varieties provide too restricted a genepool for further breeding. Without the ability to draw from a diverse genetic reservoir, further improvement may not be possible. It is therefore essential that guidance is available on collecting plant germplasm.
In recent years it has become evident that there is no single publication that provides the prospective collector of plant germplasm with generic as well as specific, and theoretical as well as practical, information. It was to fill this gap that the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI), together with FAO, IUCN and UNEP, cooperated to produce this book. The volume is a comprehensive reference work and is aimed at both new and experienced collectors as well as those with a general interest in plant genetics, breeding and biodiversity.
Main Contents
• A brief history of plant germplasm collecting
• Legal issues in plant germplasm collecting
• An introduction to plant germplasm exploration and collecting: planning, methods and procedures, follow-up, J M M Engels et al.
• Assessing the threat of genetic erosion, L Guarino
• A basic sampling strategy: theory and practice, A H D Brown and D R Marshall
• Strategies for the collecting of wild species, R von Bothmer and O Seberg
• Classifications of intraspecific variation in crop plants, P Hanelt and K Hammer
• Information on previous plant germplasm collecting, M C Perry and E Bettencourt
• Published information on the natural and human environment, G C Auricht et al.
• Published information on wild plant species, H D V Prendergast
• Aids to taxonomic identification, N Maxted and R Crust
• Secondary sources on cultures and indigenous knowledge systems, L Guarino
• Bibliographic databases for plant germplasm collectors, J A Dearing and L Guarino
• Ecogeographic surveys, N Maxted et al.
• Mapping the ecogeographic distribution of diversity, L Guarino
• Geographic information systems and remote sensing for plant germplasm collectors, L Guarino
• Plant health and germplasm collectors, E A Frison and G V H Jackson
• Collecting plant genetic resources and documenting associated indigenous knowledge in the field: a participatory approach, L Guarino and E Friis-Hansen
• Gathering and recording data in the field, H Moss and L Guarino
• Collecting and handling seeds in the field, R D Smith
• Collecting vegetatively propagated crops (especially roots and tubers), Z Huaman et al.
• Collecting vegetative material of forage grasses and legumes, N R Sackville Hamilton and K H Chorlton
• Collecting woody perennials, FAO Forest Resources Division
• Collecting in vitro for genetic resources conservation, L A Withers
• Collecting pollen for genetic resources conservation, F A Hoekstra
• Collecting Rhizobium, Frankia and mycorrhizal fungi, R A Date
• Collecting herbarium vouchers, A G Miller and J A Nyberg
• Processing of germplasm, associated material and data, J A Toll
• Reporting on germplasm collecting missions, J A Toll and H Moss
• Collecting tropical forages, R Reid
• Surveying Mangifera in the tropical rain-forests in Southeast Asia, J M Bompard
• Collecting Andean root and tuber crops (excluding potatoes) in Ecuador, R Castillo and M Hermann
• Collecting the Musa genepool in Papua New Guinea, S Sharrock
• Collecting the rice genepool, D A Vaughan and T T Chang
• Collecting wild species of Arachis, J F M Valls et al.
• Collecting rare plants in Florida
• KENGO’s Genetic Resources Conservation Project
• Collecting by the Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research at Gatersleben