Broadening the Genetic Bases of Crop Production
Edited by H D Cooper, FAO, Italy and Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal, Canada; C Spillane, Institute for Plant Biology, University of Zurich, Switzerland; T Hodgkin, International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI)
480 pages
Researchers in plant genetics and breeding, crop science
Key Features
• Brings together the current perspectives in increasing the genetic diversity used to produce new crop varieties
• Approaches involving both formal plant breeding and those involving collaborative work with farming communities are discussed
Main Description
This book focuses on the previously neglected interface between the conservation of plant genetic resources and their utilization. Only through utilization can the potential value of conserved genetic resources be realised. However, as this book shows, much conserved germplasm has to be subjected to long-term pre-breeding and genetic enhancement before it can be used in plant breeding programmes.
The authors explore the rationale and approaches for such pre-breeding efforts as the basis for broadening the genetic bases of crop production. Examples from a range of major food crops are presented and issues analysed by leading authorities from around the world.
Main Contents
Foreword, M Duwayri and G Hawtin
Preface, D Cooper, C Spillane and T Hodgkin
• Broadening the genetic base of crops: an overview, D Cooper, T Hodgkin and C Spillane
• Evolutionary and genetic perspectives on the dynamics of crop genepools, C Spillane and P Gepts
• Base broadening: introgression and incorporation, B Spoor and N Simmonds
• The role of local level gene flow in enhancing and maintained genetic diversity, J Berthaud et al.
• Regulatory aspects of breeding for diversity, N Louwaars
• Decentralized and participatory plant breeding for marginal environments, S Ceccarelli et al.
• Empowering farmers and broadening the genetic base: agricultural research and resource management, R Salazar
• The state of millet diversity and its use in West Africa, O Niangado
• State of the use of maize genetic diversity in the USA and sub-Saharan Africa, S P Tallury and M M Goodman
• The state of use of potato genetic diversity, R Ortiz
• The state of use of cassava genetic diversity and a proposal to enhance it, G Second and C Iglesias
• State of use of Musa diversity, S Sharrock and E Frison
• Dynamic management of genetic resources: a 13 year experiment on wheat, I Goldringer et al.
• Genetic base broadening of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in the Nordic countries, M Vetelainen and E A J Nissila
• Evolutionary changes in Cambridge Composite Cross Five of barley, K M Ibrahim and J A Barrett
• Genetic base broadening in the West Indies Sugar Cane Breeding Program by the incorporation of wild species, A J Kennedy
• Potential of genetic resources and breeding strategies for base broadening in Beta, L Frese, B Desprez, and D Ziegler
• HOPE, a hierarchical, open-ended system for broadening the breeding base of maize, L Kannenberg
• The germplasm enhancement of maize (GEM) project: Private and public sector collaboration, L Pollak and W Salhuana
• A French cooperative program for management and utilization of maize genetic resources, A Gallais, J P Monod, and others
• Broadening the genetic base of lentil in South Asia, W Erskine et al.
• Genetic diversity of barley: use of locally adapted germplasm to enhance yield and yield stability of barley in dry areas, S Grando, R Von Bothmer, S Ceccarelli
• Breeding Phaseolus for intercrop combinations in the Andean highlands, J P Baudoin, F Camarena and M Lobo
• Improving potato resistance to disease under the Global Initiative on Late Blight, T Bodo, R Trognitz, M Bonierbale, J A Landeo, G Forbes, J E Bradshaw, G R Mackay, R Waugh, M A Huarte, and L Colon
• A Mexican bean breeding program for comprehensive horizontal resistance to all locally important pests and diseases, R G Espinosa, R A Robinson, P R Vallejo, F C Gonzalez and F R Rosales
• The impact of decentralized and participatory plant breeding on the genetic base of crops, J Witcombe
• Base broadening for client-oriented impact, L Sperling et al.