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"Political Deception" by Nikolaos A. Samara

 "Political Deception" by Nikolaos A. Samara

The practice of politics is more of a process and less of a creative contribution to society.

Professional applications of political deception are adapted to the patterns of political applications of those already exercising power or, alternatively, to the strategies chosen by its rival contenders.

Political falsehood in synergy with deception work as persuasion techniques of the organized minority. Both the organized minority and the unorganized majority are easily seduced and give in to unabashed promises of demagogues, who promise fantasies to serve their individual interests.

The above phenomena are not examples supporting the moral decline that the self-inflicted Cassandras of evolution accuse.

Centuries before the creation of the Homeric myths, from the time of the formation of sound communication and its evolution into a speech process, the first primitive forms of deception can be found. (From the author's foreword).